Agency file in myrentcar

Find out how to manage an agency from an agency file in myrentcar.

By clicking on the "Agency list" submenu in the backoffice of your myrentcar vehicle rental system,

 You're taken to the search interface.

  • The button is used to search for an existing agency or to display the list of available agencies.
  • Use the button to create a new agency.
  • The button allows you to delete the criteria you have entered.
  • The button is used to export search results.

 By selecting an agency, its file is displayed as follows:

It consists of :

  • Header: the block containing the "Code", "Name" and "Type" fields.
  • Body: contains the various tabs.
  • Footer: contains option buttons.

This button is used to save the file in case of modification.

This button displays the list of agencies.

This button is used to create a new agency.

This button is used to modify the agency code. Note that only the administrator can perform this step (or other users who have the right).

This button deletes the agency. Note that an agency linked to a document can no longer be deleted.