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Invoicing with renewal in myrentcar

Find out how to invoice with renewal and manage your renewal invoices in myrentcar.

This documentation shows how billing works with automatic creation of a second contract in your myrentcar car rental system

Unlike Long-Term contracts, invoicing a Short-Term contract involves closing the first contract to create a second. Depending on the settings made in the BackOffice, it is possible to use the same contract number for a Renewed Short-Term contract.

For a better display of contracts to be renewed on the schedule, it is necessary to indicate this using the following criterion: . This information is available in the "Total contract" section of the contract header, and can be used to change the color of the contract on the schedule

Myrentcar makes it easy to invoice one or more contracts with renewal. The rest of this documentation explains how these two billing options work.

Invoicing a single contract

When invoicing a single contract with renewal, access the relevant contract and enter the fictitious return information in the" DEPARTURE_RETURN" tab. See the Short-term contract documentation for a description of all fields. 

For contract renewal, the following fields are important, as they influence the amount to be invoiced and the creation of the renewed contract.

The following screenshots show the example of a customer who wishes to rent a vehicle from January 13 to March 31, and who wishes to be billed monthly. 

"Departure date time" : Enter the fictitious return date or use the calendar to select a return date. Change the time if necessary.

  • For example : In the example above, the contract is made from the actual departure date and ends at the end of January for the fictitious return date.

" Return mileage" : If the customer has sent the actual mileage, enter it. Otherwise, enter the starting mileage. The software calculates the kilometers traveled, taking into account the contract renewal at the time of the last invoice.

"Return level" : Indicate the maximum level to avoid fuel invoicing before the actual return. The actual level must be entered on the actual return.

Once this information has been entered, check the rate and services, enter a payment if necessary and click on the "Billing with Renewal" button in the action bar at the bottom of the page.

This action leads directly to the invoice for the Short-Term contract, which functions in the same way as a normal invoice (no modifications except for regulations and related documents).

Please note: Once an invoice has been validated, it cannot be modified. Thus, if payment of the amount due is not entered, the invoice will show the amount still to be paid by the customer.

To access the renewed contract, click on the button at the bottom of the page.

" Departure date time " : This date is automatically set by adding 1 minute to the date and time entered for the fictitious return on the first contract.

"Planned return date time" : This date is automatically calculated according to the duration of the first contract. If necessary, change the scheduled return date and time.

  • For example  : n the example shown, the renewal contract is created from February 1st to February 19th. This information must be modified to take into account the whole month of February.

The criterion indicating contract renewal is automatically filled in; if it has not been filled in on the basic contract, the schedule will indicate contracts as follows:

The billing with renewal stage ends once the new contract has been validated.

At the actual end of the contract, enter the actual return information, specifying the fuel gauge level and actual mileage, then bill the last contract using the simple billing procedure.

Invoicing multiple contracts

MyRentCar offers the possibility of invoicing several contracts with renewal, provided that the original contracts indicate renewal by means of the criterion located in the "Total contract" section of the contract header :

This indication makes it easy to view the contracts to be renewed on the schedule and to find these contracts on the MD Contracts list. To bill several contracts in succession, access the "MD Contract" screen via the Dashboard.

As elsewhere in myrentcar, the list shows no data and awaits a search. To do this, enter the search criteria.

"End" : Enter the expected return date of contracts to be billed.

"Origine agency" : Select the agency that owns the contract, i.e. the agency that created the document and can invoice it. This information can be found in the "Total contract" section of the contract.

"Closing date" : Enter the actual return date to be entered on the selected contracts. 

"Anniversary hour" : If necessary, indicate that the time to be taken into account is the vehicle's departure time, not the stop date.

As far as dates are concerned, this screen displays three, which may be similar or different, as shown in the following screenshot.

Above, each date is circled in a distinct color. Here is a description of each date:

  • Top right of screen (red circle): This is the working date, which corresponds to the accounting date. This is the date that will appear on the invoice.
  • In the "Selection criteria" box on the left of the screen (green circle) : The "End of consideration" date is used to filter the list by displaying unbilled Renewed Short-Term contracts with a return date prior to this "End of consideration" date.

In the "Renewal data" box in the middle of the screen (yellow circle): This date corresponds to the actual return date, which will be reflected on the contracts selected for invoicing with renewal.

"Desk agent" : Enter the password of the agent connected, or click to enter the login details of the agent billing renewal contracts on another agent's session

To view active alerts on leased vehicles, you can display a column at the end of the table by clicking on the button below the results grid.

As with the other columns, it is possible to sort this one to display contracts with alerts. The button indicating the number of active alerts allows you to consult the list of these alerts.

Once you have entered your criteria, click on to display the results.

To bill several contracts with renewal, check the boxes of the desired lines in the "To be billed" column. To check all the boxes at once, check the box in the heading of the same column.

Enter the return kilometers in the "Return KM" column of the selected contracts. If the customer has supplied the actual mileage, enter this; otherwise, enter the same mileage as when the vehicle left.

If one or more replacement vehicles are available, this will be indicated in the "Vdr" column. The starting mileage shown in the table is the mileage of the first leased vehicle.

Once you have selected the contracts to be invoiced with renewal and entered the mileage, click on . This takes you to the multiple renewal management screen.

This screen shows the previously selected contracts, allowing you to check the data as explained above.

In addition to this contract section, this screen has a reminder bar on the left of the contract. This bar displays the contract selection criteria and the list of selected contracts. You can hide or show this bar by clicking on .

The list of contracts allows you to follow the evolution of this multiple invoicing. In the example below, the first contract has been processed, the second has been ignored and the last contract is the one currently being processed.

To cancel the processing of a contract, click directly on . Myrentcar will then display the next contract in the list of contracts to be processed, and will indicate that processing has been cancelled by placing a red cross in front of the contract number (see the list of contracts above).

To validate contract processing after verification, click on . As when invoicing a single contract with renewal, this action opens the invoice.

Please note: Once an invoice has been validated, it cannot be modified. Thus, if payment of the amount due is not entered, the invoice will show the amount still to be paid by the customer.

 Once the invoice has been validated, the software opens the invoice in a new browser tab, displaying the Invoice file. This invoice can be found in the corresponding screen.

Finally, click on to access the renewed contract. This presentation of the contract allows you to check the data (in particular the departure and return dates) and modify them if necessary.

The contract action bar allows you to save any changes you've made.

When the renewed contract is validated, click on to restart the steps and invoice the next contract selected, or click on if there are no other contracts to process

Repeat these steps to invoice the files in the list. To find associated invoices, go to the Invoices screen.