Myrentcar 2.1 patch note

Discover the new features and fixes of the myrentcar 2.1 update.

At the start of the year, the hitechsoftware team wishes you a prosperous and successful 2024. It is with enthusiasm that we begin this new year with a new approach in our development cycle: from now on, we will launch a major myrentcar update project every two months. This strategy aims to regularly offer you significant improvements, innovative features and optimizations. The myrentcar 2.1 patch is the start of this new era, to better support you in the management of your activity.


  • Sending by email and printing multiple reports; When printing or sending report models by email from commercial documents (Documents ST, LT, etc.), it will now be possible to select several report models at the same time, as well as signed documents
    In the case of printing, all the PDFs of each of the selected documents will appear one after the other.
    In the case of sending by email, each selected model will correspond to a different attachment to the email. It will be possible to choose the accompanying text of the email, among the texts configured on each of the selected models.
  • Middle Office: Stop Sales; Addition of a menu allowing real-time management of the availability of vehicles returned by calls to myrentcarservices.
    A configuration grid now allows you to configure blocks to be put in place by agency, category, and according to the desired dates, so that vehicles in the targeted categories and agencies are no longer shown as being available for rental. This configuration grid is only functional with the use of myrentcarservices in parallel.
  • Internal/external purchase vouchers; A “Reinvoicing” button has been added, allowing, after configuration, to generate a miscellaneous sales voucher, from a purchase voucher.
  • Myrentcarservices:
    . Added a GetJoursFeries method, allowing you to return the list of company holidays.
    . Added a GetDispoVehicleDetailTarif method, allowing you to return detailed information about a vehicle, as well as pricing data according to the desired parameters.
    . Addition of 3 methods, GetDocument, GetDocuments, and GetDcoumentsList, allowing you to retrieve documents (PDF type for example), which are positioned in the “Documents” tabs of the different files on myrentcar.
    . Modification of the GetReservation method, possible cancellation information has been added when the call returns.
    . Modification of the GetCategories method, the “Active” and “Description” fields have been added when the call returns.
    . Modification of the GetAgences method, the agency schedules have been added when the call returns.
    . Modification of the CreerReservation method, addition of an additional non-mandatory parameter to the “PresenceVehicle” input. If this parameter is true, the reservation creation will force the positioning of a vehicle during creation, or will return an error message if this is not possible.
    Addition of an “Order Reference” input parameter, not mandatory.
    . Modification of GetReservation, GetDocumentsCD and GetDocumentCDDetails methods, the “Order Reference” field has been added to the return of the call.
  • Middle Office, Accounting Parameters; Addition of an allocation threshold for the generation of automatic OD for General accounts.
  • Middle Office, Import; Added free vehicle questions in vehicle import settings.
  • Middle Office, supporting prices / Accounting models; Addition of a menu allowing you to define, for “Support” type pricing agreements, the accounting model to be used by default for support, by agency.
  • Middle Office, Vehicle Categories; Addition of taking into account the minimum age and the seniority of the license when positioning a driver on the ST documents. This option is not activated by default, and must be activated via the “Options” menu, “Controls” section, then “Age control on category”.
  • Customers, Warning Messages; Warning messages positioned on customer files will now appear each time a document is opened to which a customer with a message is attached, and no longer only when the customer is first selected.
  • Clients, Check on dates of birth; A check box has been added in the “Drivers” tab of the customer file. It is checked by default, and indicates whether the dates of birth of the drivers attached to the customer file concerned must be checked.
  • Customers, fine tab; A column allowing you to directly open a voucher or an expense invoice linked to a report has been added.
  • Customers, Contacts tab; The contact details fields have been completed with addresses, postal code and city. A “Final Denunciation” checkbox has been added. After configuration, this option allows you to redirect the minutes received to the contact details of the contact who will have this box checked.
  • Tracking of duplicates by email; When sending duplicates by email, the consideration of contact emails has been added.
  • Reservations; Added visual indicators on canceled reservations.
  • Renewed Short Term Contracts; Added visibility of imported documents over the entire duration of the renewed contract.
  • Creation of fine; Added a button to directly create fine recipients from the creation of a new fine.
  • LT / Purchasing files; Added the possibility of manually linking and unlinking purchasing documents to LT files to take them into account in the costs linked to the file or not.
  • Quotelio; Added the ability to disable vehicle models. The models will then no longer be offered when creating quotes.


  • States; Correction made to the selection of the company in the case of reports which presented this field, and which was not visually correct.
  • Miscellaneous sales vouchers; Correction made when creating a miscellaneous sales voucher from a short-term movement. In certain cases, the third-party account positioned was inconsistent.
  • Miscellaneous sales invoices; Correction of function no. 603 (Expense voucher modification) which did not allow users to print a miscellaneous sales invoice even though no modification had been made to the document.
  • Miscellaneous sales invoices; Fixed the “Remaining Due” field which was not updated visually after an invoice application.
  • Credit notes and ST Re-invoicing; Fixed the model selection list, which was not consistent if more than 3 models were presented.
  • Commercial Documents; Fixed the “Signatures” tab, which presented inconsistent data, when viewed while creating a document.
  • Commercial Documents; Transforming a “Guarantee” type regulation into a “Regulation” type generated an error, which has now been corrected.
  • Middle Office, Alerts Configuration; Fixed trigger threshold limitations that were too low.
  • Purchases ; Correction made to the linking of LT documents to purchasing documents, the dates taken into account were inconsistent for the search.

This hotfix incorporates your feedback and reflects our commitment to providing an optimal user experience. We look forward to revealing new features coming later this year. To continue to help us and shape the future of myrentcar, do not hesitate to share your recommendations with us. Thank you for your trust and continued support.