Myrentcar 2.5 patch note

Discover the new features and fixes of the myrentcar 2.5 update.

Version 2.5 of myrentcar marks a significant milestone with hitech's new visual identity, symbolizing our technological openness in the mobility sector. This update brings several major improvements: a complete overhaul of statistics, enhanced customer profiles, and new integrated fields for better analysis and management of your business.

To learn more and discover what's coming next, find out the reasons behind our logo change here.


• Statistics: Complete redesign of the interface and functionality of statistics, along with fixes for previously inconsistent data.

• myrentcarservices: Added two new behaviors for vehicle availability requests:

  • Option to request rates in "LAST" mode (uses the most recent rate created instead of the cheapest available rate).
  • Option, disabled by default, to ignore the expected vehicle release date and only consider the actual release date.

• Customer Profiles: Redesigned the drivers’ grid for improved readability and overall usability.

• Imports: Added the ability to import Miscellaneous Sales via the middle office.

• Automatic Fines: Added support for managing the "Fines" contact in Company mode (previously only available for drivers).

• Analysis Centers: New fields are available to order results with greater precision.

• Reservations: Added the concept of a "Cancellation" user, now visible directly on a canceled reservation.

• External Purchases: Improved the ergonomics of the "Accounting Transfer" feature.

• Multi-Companies: Added an option to display the balance of customer accounts across all companies.

• Passwords: Global update of password fields to ensure they are no longer directly accessible or readable.

• Invoice Tracking: Added an option to consolidate grouped invoices (miscellaneous or long-term) into a single line or display them in detail.

• Advanced Payment Menu: Added a field displaying the balance when manually entering a payment.


• Purchases: Fixed the behavior when selecting a new operation on an already filled row. Existing values for quantities and amounts will now be retained.

• Purchases: Fixed the behavior when selecting a vehicle on a row. The vehicle's mileage will only be affected if the value is modified.

• Purchases: Corrected the behavior of the operations grid when entering a new operation, where the highlighted cell was inconsistent in certain cases.

• Purchases: Adjusted the required permissions for accessing purchase counters in the middle office. This operation will no longer require a "Hitech Code."

• myrentcarservices: Fixed the GetFactures method, which was returning overly exhaustive results for grouped invoices.

• Accounting: Fixed the issue with blocking the entry of records, which was overly restrictive in some cases.

• Advanced Payment Menu: Corrected the list of items proposed when manually entering a payment, which was too exhaustive for databases containing multiple companies.

• Driver Questions: Fixed the maximum length for driver questions, increasing it from 40 to 200 characters.

• Short-Term Invoices: Corrected the behavior of printing signed documents from a short-term invoice sheet. The invoice file will no longer appear systematically, and the printout will match the selected documents.

• Long-Term Contracts: Fixed the access to the service price cell, which would freeze in certain situations.

• Email Duplicate Tracking: Corrected the alphanumeric sorting of columns, specifically the "Email" column, which was no longer functional.

• Middle Office: Fixed the "Duration Control within Rate Boundaries" option, which was mistakenly applied to movements.

With version 2.5, myrentcar continues to improve by offering even more powerful features tailored to the needs of vehicle rental companies. We remain attentive to your feedback to keep innovating and simplifying your daily operations. Feel free to submit your recommendations to help shape future developments of myrentcar.