Vehicle file in myrentcar

Find out how to manage and modify a vehicle file in myrentcar.

The vehicle data file can be accessed by clicking on one of the results in the list, or by searching for a specific vehicle in myrentcar car rental software.

If there is only one result to the search, the vehicle sheet will be displayed immediately.

Once on a vehicle file, an action banner appears at the bottom of the page.

This button saves changes made to a file.

This button returns you to the vehicle list.

This button is used to create a new vehicle master record.

This button is used to create a duplicate vehicle master record.

This button allows you to print the vehicle file.

This button locates the vehicle, displaying its last position.

This button gives access to Rentpad's vehicle status.

This button allows you to modify the vehicle identification number and/or registration number.

This button allows you to delete the current file.

When the mouse hovers over the icons, a description of the action quickly appears.

When creating a new vehicle file, certain information is mandatory. To initialize the file, the vehicle number and registration are mandatory. Once the file has been created, each mandatory field is marked with a red asterisk.

You can view important information about your vehicle in the box above the tabs.

capture infos fiche véhicule myrentcar EN.jpg

A file is made up of different tabs which do not contain the same information. Navigating between these tabs enables you to enter, view or modify all the information relating to a vehicle.

Vehicle tab

This tab provides access to the vehicle management fields.

"Category": Choose here the CATEGORY to which the vehicle belongs.

"Vehicle type": PV (Private Vehicle), UV (Utilitarian Vehicle)... The type is set by default according to the category selected.

"External": Indicate whether or not the vehicle belongs to the fleet.

"Entry Date": Enter the date on which the vehicle actually entered the fleet.

"Planned exit date": Enter the expected exit date of the vehicle. This is indicative and has no influence on the rental. A visual indication will appear on the schedule when the date has been reached.

"Actual Exit Date": This field can be filled in manually by the user, e.g. when the vehicle is sold.

"Fuel": Select fuel type.

"Tank size Capacity": Enter the vehicle's tank capacity here. This information is important for billing the customer for fuel.

"Fuel Gauge": Enter the vehicle's fuel level.

"Fuel Gauge Date": This field is updated automatically each time the fuel gauge is updated.

"Free questions box": Here you'll find what you've entered in the Back Office. If the information is mandatory, it will be visible thanks to a red asterisk.

The last insert shows the vehicle's mileage and hourly status.

"Last Mileage": The last known mileage will be automatically entered here.

"Last Km Date": This date updates automatically when the previous field is modified.

"Last Km Origin": This information is updated according to the user.

"Avg Km Day" and " Avg Km Month" : These two fields are calculated automatically by the software.

The fields corresponding to Time data operate in the same way. They are reserved for vehicles equipped with refrigeration systems. 

Additional info tab

This tab contains useful information about the vehicle.

"Vehicle status": This field is used to enter the status of the vehicle.

"Vehicle status date": This field cannot be modified; it updates automatically.

"Supplier": Name of the dealer who supplied the vehicle.

"Order Reference": Vehicle order reference.

"Purchase Price": Purchase value of the vehicle if agreed with the supplier.

"Purchase VAT": VAT amount for the purchase of this vehicle.

"Purchase date": Select the date of purchase of the vehicle.

"Purchase Km": By default, this field is automatically set to 0. If the vehicle is purchased used, this field must be filled in with the actual mileage at the time of purchase.

"Equipment Price": Price of vehicle equipment if required.

" VAT Equipements": Amount of VAT for this vehicle's equipment, if required.

"Options Price": Price of vehicle options, if required.

" VAT Options": Amount of VAT for this vehicle's options, if required.

"Catalogue Price": If required, indicate the price of the vehicle in the supplier's catalog.

"Bonus Volume": If the order has benefited from a volume bonus, enter the value here so that it can be taken into account in the vehicle balance sheet.

"Additional discount": If a discount was granted when the vehicle was purchased (excluding volume bonus), enter the value here so that it can be taken into account in the vehicle balance sheet.

"Warranty End Date": Date on which the vehicle's warranty expires.

"Buyback Value": Enter the pre-negotiated buyback value here.

"Buy back Km": Vehicle mileage pre-negotiated for Buyback.

"Finance Rate": Bank rate granted for financing if required.

"SH Price": Enter the expected value for the sale of the used vehicle.

"SH Date": Select the expected date of sale of the used vehicle.

"Argus Price": Enter the value of the vehicle's Argus quotation.

"Argus Date": Enter the vehicle's Argus quotation date.

"Blocked sales": Define a sale status for the vehicle in order to obtain warnings when using the vehicle (blocking or non-blocking).

"Vehicle sale": this button confirms the creation of a vehicle sale record.

"Sales label": Enter the sales label corresponding to the invoice issued.

"Sales Date": Select the actual date of sale of the vehicle.

"Sales Price": Enter the actual amount of the vehicle sale.

capture prix vente fiche véhicule myrentcar en.jpg

"Insurer": Enter the name of the vehicle's insurer here. This information will be used when creating a claim file.

"Owner Company" and "Owner Agency": In these 2 fields, select the company and agency to which the vehicle belongs.

Car Card tab

This tab allows you to enter legal information and the vehicle's fuel consumption for information purposes.

"Details" box: Copy the information from the vehicle registration document.

"Consumption" box: Enter the vehicle's average consumption.

Alerts tab

This tab allows you to be alerted when maintenance needs to be carried out on a vehicle.

The first step is to assign the vehicle to an alert family by selecting it from the available list. Once this choice has been made, the software will propose the positioning of previously defined alerts, and it will be possible to create new alerts, modify them, close them and view them.

To create a new alert, choose one of the proposed types, bearing in mind that an alert cannot be duplicated for a vehicle. For example, there can only be one active Technical Inspection alert.

To select an alert, click on the line (which will turn orange), then click on the button .

An alert is selected if the box is checked in the first column. In the example below, 3 alerts will be added on validation.

In the event of a family change, a message will offer to keep or delete existing alerts, or to cancel the change.

Once an alert has been created, it can be modified. To do this, select the chosen alert and click on the button .

The modification window (above) allows you to personalize the alert and its closure. Once you have made the changes, click validate button.

Sales tab

This tab allows you to consult the history of sales carried out and entered in the software (Short-term, Medium-term, Long-term, Expense invoices, Credit notes) for this vehicle.

To display the list of these operations, click on the button .

Invoices can be opened and viewed directly from this screen by clicking on the required line. This opens the invoice in a new browser tab.

capture onglet vente fiche véhicule myrentcar en.jpg

Purshases tab

In this tab, you can consult the history of maintenance operations carried out and entered into the software via the PURCHASES menu.

To display all operations, click on the button . You can narrow down the search by date, period or type of purchase (Internal or External).

When a purchase is selected, an insert appears below the list of purchases, allowing you to quickly consult the information on the chosen voucher.

capture purchase tab enTo view the voucher in its entirety, click on .

Assets tab

This tab allows you to view the fixed assets related to this vehicle.

Balance tab

This tab displays a summary of the vehicle's activity (total sales, total purchases, total commissions, etc.).

To display the data, click on the button .

You can target a specific period by selecting a date and/or period.

History tab

This tab allows you to consult the entire history of a vehicle (billed or unbilled trips). To display the list of actions linked to this vehicle, the search must be detailed. 
It is possible to target a period by specifying dates, as well as to search for specific actions (Reservations, Quotations or Claims), and even to display all actions by selecting History.

Clicking on a result line opens a new window with the document linked to the event.

Ticket tab

This tab allows you to view all tickets registered for this vehicle. To display the list, click on the button .

Free tab

This tab is used to answer free-form questions set up in the Backoffice.

Notes tab

As in the rest of the software, this area can be used to enter special annotations. If this tab contains a note, a symbol will appear on the tab.

Documents tab

This is where you can view, add or delete vehicle-related documents, such as manufacturer's documentation.

To add a document, drag and drop the file into the box provided, or select the file on your workstation using the button .

To manage a document, use the action buttons at the end of the document line.

This button downloads the document for viewing.

This button is used to import the document into myrentcar.

  This button cancels the import of the document into myrentcar.

  This button deletes the document.

Warning: If the document does not save, check :

  • Document size (it must not exceed 2MB or Mb).
  • Document name (the name should not be too long; rename the document if necessary and repeat the operation).

Equipement tab

This tab allows you to view the list of equipment on the vehicle. You can also add equipment by clicking on the button or create new equipment by clicking on the button .