Automated TV management in myrentcar

Find out how to automatically manage TV and fines in myrentcar with the FVL module.

This module has been designed to make it quicker and easier to manage fines received for a fleet of vehicles.

In partnership with the ARIS company, this menu allows you to receive in XML format the infringements centralized by this company, to identify customers and drivers through myrentcar, and to send the corresponding file of designations.

This processing will generate in your myrentcar car rental ERP :

  • A history of fines, visible in the fines menu as well as in customer and vehicle files
  • Invoicing of any administrative costs associated with processing, in the form of various sales vouchers

Fleet declaration

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This button takes you to the Fleet Declaration menu.

Declaring a fleet is essential for Aris to be in possession of a rental company's fleet (and to be able to issue tickets).

This declaration must be made regularly:




A recommended rate of one declaration per week will enable Aris to keep its fleet up to date. 

capture gestion automatisée pv myrentcar EN 2Here you'll find all the vehicles in the current fleet, as well as those with an end-of-fleet date of less than 90 days.

The selection buttons at the bottom of the page allow you to check or uncheck the vehicles to be declared, by clicking on the line on which you wish to act.

It is possible to set exclusions for permanent vehicles, which will then be automatically deselected (contact Hitech support for this setting).

When the file is ready to be generated, click on "Declare fleet" at the bottom of the page.

A confirmation window appears: an XML fleet declaration file has been sent to Aris.

History of fleet declarations

The HISTORY tab displays a listing of fleet declarations by date. It allows you to check the number of vehicles transmitted (but does not display registration details).

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This screen is loaded using the "Refresh" button.

The "Purge" button deletes this history.

Designation of the fine

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This button takes you to the Infringement Designation menu.

Within the menu, an "Update" button will load the latest file made available by Aris.




How files are made available

Every day, Aris places a new file for processing on its server (usually between 12pm and 2pm). This file can be retrieved and processed until 12 noon the following day.

If the file is not processed, the next day's new file will be accumulated: it will contain the last unprocessed infractions, as well as the new ones.

Each offence has a counter for the number of requests (which corresponds to the number of days the offence has been in the file). After 30 requests without a designation, the offence is no longer processed by the computer, and is processed on paper (it will be sent by post).

It may happen that an infringement is designated on day D, but comes back in the file on day D + 1. In this case, it is very likely that the designation made is incorrect (e.g. an incorrect country code). If one of the designations is incorrect, as a general rule the whole file is returned the next day (with the accumulation of new offences).

Designation of the fine

Clicking on the "Refresh" button in the TV management menu loads the grid with the latest infractions to be processed.

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Based on the date/time of the TV and the vehicle registration, myrentcar searches for the corresponding rental. If it finds one, the designation is filled in automatically:

  • with company details if the rental customer is a company
  • with the driver's details if the rental customer is a private individual

capture gestion automatisée pv myrentcar EN 6On each customer record, you can choose whether to designate only the driver, only the company, or both.

If no rental matches, the customer number, rental dates and designation elements remain empty. It is therefore not possible to designate this violation at this time.

For each violation, click on the line to display details:

The "TV" block cannot be modified, and is a reminder of the elements of the offence.

The "Company" and "Driver" sections are pre-filled, and can be modified or added to as required.

Button details :

 Approves any changes to the designation

 Deletes all elements in the "Company" box (the company will not be named on this infraction) 

 Deletes all elements in the "Driver" box (so the driver will not be designated for this infraction)

Indicates that this infraction must be sent to Aris in the current designation file

Indicates that this infraction must not be sent to Aris in the current designation file

Indicates that this infraction should generate a miscellaneous charge voucher (to charge administrative costs to the customer)

Indicates that this infraction should not generate a miscellaneous charge voucher

Opens the corresponding rental document in another tab (e.g. to check elements).

The same buttons appear at the bottom of the driver declaration grid. They allow you to act "en masse" on several lines in the file. You will need to activate filters beforehand to act only on certain lines.

The file is ready to be sent when all designation elements have been checked/completed.

 Clicking on this button at the bottom of the grid sends the designation file to Aris.

Note: It is not possible to process only part of the file received. Clicking on the "Send" button therefore empties the entire grid, including TVs marked "Unprocessed". You will have to wait for the next file to be processed again. 

Different situations arise, depending on the "Processed" or "Unprocessed" status of each TV and the designation elements:





Sent as "OK": the penalty notice is considered correct and will not be included in the next file (unless there is an error in the designation or missing information).


Sent with "TV" status: the penalty notice will be mailed to the lessor and will not be included in the next file.


Sent with "AT" status: the ticket is put on hold (as the lessor does not yet have the designation information). It will return in the next file (within the limit of 30 requests).

Miscellaneous sales vouchers

When the driver declaration file is sent, TVs with the "Expense voucher" box ticked generate a miscellaneous sales voucher.

TV that have already been processed in a previous file cannot generate a new sales slip.

Example of a generated sales slip :


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The following elements are automatically included:

  • The client present on the rental.
  • The vehicle concerned.
  • The service configured and its amount (contact Hitech support for this configuration). The wording corresponds to the ticket number.
  • Notes indicating the date/time of the ticket and the type of offence.

 The Invoicing button at the bottom of the sales order generates the invoice for expenses, after any modifications made to the sales order elements.

It is also possible to launch "mass" invoicing of the sales slips generated, using the General invoicing button:

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