Create a customer in myrentcar

Find out how to create a new customer in myrentcar

There are several ways to create a new customer in your myrentcar car rental management app:

- From the CUSTOMERS menu (from the list or any customer file): you can access all the elements of the customer file.

- or from sales documents (quotations, reservations, contracts, various sales slips, etc.): you access a summary version of the customer master record

Creation from the CLIENT menu

This button takes you to the Customer menu.

Clicking on the central icon takes you to the list, from which you can create a new customer.

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The first step in the creation process concerns the customer account number.

It must always begin with the letter C.

In this screen, you can either modify the account number (e.g. to enter a number from another program), or use the proposed number.

Then enter the customer's title in the Contact details tab.

There are two possible scenarios:

- The customer is a company: enter the company name in the header strip.

- the customer is a private individual: by entering the first and last name in the Contact details tab, the title will be filled in on its own.

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The "Shortcut" field is optional, but can be filled in to facilitate searches (e.g.: business name vs. legal name).

The "Contact Information" tab should then be filled in with the customer's address and company details, if applicable.

The "Complement" tab of the form is then used to fill in the customer's telephone number and e-mail address, as well as free-form questions (depending on settings).

Finally, the DOCUMENTS and CONTACTS tabs can be interesting to fill in when creating a new customer.

The Documents tab lets you save one or more documents concerning this customer (e.g. Kbis, insurance certificate, etc.).

The Contacts tab lets you create physical contacts and specify their functions.

When all mandatory elements have been completed, click on the Save button to register the new customer.

Note : a customer record can also be created using the button at the bottom of the customer record. 

Creation from sales documents

Most sales documents (quotation, reservation, ST contract, Miscellaneous sales quotation, Miscellaneous sales voucher) include a button for creating a customer.

This is particularly useful for miscellaneous customers (e.g. without specific payment conditions), and can be created in the same action as the sales document.

Example of quotation creation :

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A confirmation message confirms this action, indicating the proposed customer number.

Clicking on OK brings up the creation form.

As with creation from the customer file, the first element to complete is the title.

- If the customer is a company: enter the company name.

- If the customer is a private individual: enter the first and last name, which will automatically fill in a title.

You can then fill in the address, telephone number and e-mail address.

Button details:

 The client is created and directly selected for the current document

 The customer is not created

Opens the account number modification screen

Once the customer has been created, it is assigned to your sales document, and you can continue creating it.

If you need to enter any other information about the customer (payment deadline, creation of a contact, etc.), you'll need to open the customer file you've created.