Create an alert group in myrentcar

Find out how to create an alert group in myrentcar.

The aim here is to create vehicle alert groups in your myrentcar vehicle rental management solution. To do this, in the Back-office, select the "Fleet reference data" menu, then the "alert groups " submenu:

To add an alert group, simply click on the button on the left and a new line will appear. Then fill in the following tables:

  • The code : The name of the alert group to be created
  • The Name : the alert that will appear

To add an alert, simply press the button on the right and a new line will appear.

  • The definition: select the alert type by clicking on
  • First alert : indicates the first alert activation
  • Periodicity : indicates all times when the alert appears

To remove it from the list, click on the .

Once finalized, you will obtain a list as shown below:

Tips: You can also make modifications.

When you have finished, click on the .

To cancel a modification or creation, press the .

Export alerts as an Excel file.

  To copy files.