Customer file in myrentcar

Find out how to manage a customer file in myrentcar.

A customer's file can be accessed by clicking on one of the results in the customer list in your myrentcar car rental management software.

Once on a customer file, an action banner appears at the bottom of the page.

This button is used to save changes made to a file.

This button returns you to the customer list.

This button is used to create a new customer file.

This button is used to print a document for the customer.

This button allows you to modify the customer number.

This button gives access to the customer's dunning letters, invoice statements and account statements.

This button enables you to access the "Lettering" function for entries relating to the customer you have consulted.

This button deletes the consulted file.

When the mouse hovers over the icons, a description of the action quickly appears.

When creating a new master record, certain information is required. To initialize the master record, the customer number is required.

Account numbers in myrentcar always begin with the letter C. Coding can be done manually (the agent creating the master record decides on the number), or automatically.

Once the master record has been created, the mandatory fields (marked with a red asterisk) must be entered in order to validate the master record. If these fields are left blank, a message will be displayed, preventing registration.

The insert above the tabs allows you to quickly view a customer's identification information.

"Number": This is where the number of the customer added during creation appears.

"Shortcut": Enter a free text to find a customer more easily (if the search matches the shortcut, the record will be found immediately).

"Name": Enter or modify this field, which will appear on the various reports. When creating a new customer, this field is automatically filled in with the first and last name entered.

When creating a business customer (company/association/local authority), this field will allow you to enter the company name manually.

Customer files are made up of different tabs, which must be browsed to enter, view or modify information.

Contact information tab

This tab consists of several frames for managing customer identification and contact data.

"Civility": Select the type of customer you wish to create from the list.

In the case of an "Individual" customer, enter the information in the following box.

Once the information has been entered, the first and last names will be automatically copied into the "Title" field of your customer file.

In the case of a "Company" customer, the above box will not be accessible. The customer's name, i.e. the company's name, must be entered in the heading.

Professional information can be entered in the “Company id” box.
If necessary, these fields can be used on different documents.

« Address» : Enter here the exact postal address of the customer (private or professional), i.e. an address on 1 or 2 lines, a zip code, a town, an additional address and a country.

  : This button is used to apply changes made to contracts.

"Regular": Choose Yes, No or Closed. These fields are indicative.

  • Yes: If this is a regular customer.
  • No : This customer will be considered as a passing customer.
  • Closed: The account remains stored in the software, but disappears from the customer list. It will no longer be possible to create a contract for this customer.

Then activate the modules in which this customer can be found:

: For short-term contracts.

  : For long-term contracts.

: For Expense Invoices.

Complement tab

This tab allows you to enter additional information.

« Contact » box : The various means of contact can be entered here in the desired format (see example above for different telephone number formats).

"Card number" : Enter a loyalty card number here if required.

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« Custom fields » box: This section contains questions that have already been set up in the Backoffice. As elsewhere in the software, mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk.

Management tab

This tab is used to manage customer management settings. The various choice lists must first be set up in the Backoffice.

"Invoice copies": Enter the number of copies required when printing.

"ST contract template": Choose here the type of contract to be used for this customer.

"ST invoice template" and "LT Invoice Template": Choose here the type of invoice to be used for this customer's STs and LTs.

"SMS Option": This button allows you to authorise or not the sending of SMS messages to the customer.

"Rental tariff": Choose the rate applied from the list set up in the Backoffice.

"Discount": Enter the amount of the discount to be applied.

Accounting tab

This is where the data that is useful for accounting purposes must be entered.

"Account type" : This refers to the customer's accounting treatment. As a general rule, a customer account is of the Lettrable type.

"Centralized": To have an accounting edition (general ledger) with detailed entries, leave the button grayed out. If centralization is enabled, only the total number of lines will be visible in the printout.

"Statement": Activate to obtain the invoice statement in grouped mode via accounting editions.

"Grouping": This code is used to group accounts. This will enable lists or results to be edited according to this "Regroupement" code via accounting editions (general ledger, balance).

The 1st character is the letter R (mandatory), the 2nd is generally the account class (e.g. R1 for class 1, such as account 101000).

You can also create groupings for accounts that don't have the same accounting root (e.g. RCPART for all private customers).

Positioning the RESULT grouping code on all class 6 and 7 accounts will enable you to view the company's income in the chart of accounts.

(The grouping account is created beforehand in the chart of accounts, and the number must begin with the letter "R").

"Creation date": This field is automatically filled in when the file is created.

"Due Date Credit Days": Specify here the number of days of credit granted to the customer.

" Due Date End of Month": Select this if you want the due date to be at the end of the month. This means that the due date is moved to the end of the month.

" Due Day Fix day": select this if you want the due date to fall on a fixed day. This means that the due date is pushed back to the next time the day falls.

"Outstanding Amount Type": Select the type from the list.

"Warning": A message appears if the Outstanding amount is exceeded.

"Blocking": It will be impossible to create a ST contract if the Outstanding amount is exceeded.

"Listing Only": This customer will appear in the Outstanding amount list if the authorized amount is exceeded.

"Outstanding Amount": Enter the amount authorized for this customer's Outstandings.

"ST Payment Terms" and "LT Payment Terms": Select the payment deadline and payment method chosen by the customer. This list can be configured in the Backoffice.

"Bank account", "Address", "IBAN", "BIC": Enter information according to the type of payment chosen. In this case, the customer must provide a RIB on which all this information can be found.

"Mandate date", "Mandate type", "Mandate number": In the case of a direct debit, information concerning the mandate used should be entered here.

This button is used to apply modifications to the contractual documents.

« Balance » frame: By clicking on the button, a balance is displayed for this customer. The example above shows that it is possible to have data for the current (N), previous (N-1) and next (N+1) financial year.

This button opens the window below. It gives access to the accounting entries linked to the customer.

The search can be targeted using different criteria (date, document number, wording, etc.) and the line details can be viewed by opening the selected entry.

: This button displays or hides the search criteria specification area.

: This button opens the selected entry in the table.

: This button is used to apply the criteria by restarting the search.

: This button closes the General Ledger window.

: This button is used to clear all search criteria.

Once the list has been filtered, it can be exported by clicking on the button at the bottom of the window.

Sales tab

This tab allows you to consult the history of sales made and entered in the software (Short-term, Medium-term, Long-term, Expense invoices, Credit notes) for this customer.

To display data, click on .

You can search by period using the fields provided.

To access the invoice linked to the sale, click on the selected line. A new window will open on the invoice.

Accrued tab

This is a viewing tab only. By clicking on the button, the accounting balance (including tax) of the account carried out with the customer month by month is displayed.

History tab

This tab allows you to consult the entire history of a customer. To display the list of actions linked to this customer, search for the desired data by specifying the criteria (dates and/or actions to be viewed) or display all actions (other than Quotes, Reservations, Short-Term and Claims) by selecting the history.

Clicking on a result line opens a new window with the document linked to the event.

Ticket tab

This tab allows you to view the PVs processed for this customer. To display the list, click on the button.

Messages tab

This is where internal messages can be created, to be displayed when a customer is selected from a document.

To create a message, click on the button, then enter the required information in the "Message" box.

"Start", "End": Select the start and end dates of the message display.

"Agent": Click on the magnifying glass to enter the ID and password of the agent creating the message.

"Message": Enter the message to be displayed.

This message will be visible when the customer is selected during the defined period. For example: an agent reserves a vehicle; when the customer is selected, the information is transferred to the document and the message appears as shown below.

 Once a message has been created, it can be deleted. To do so, select the desired message and click on .

Note tab

As elsewhere in the software, this tab allows you to enter notes in the free field. If a note exists for a customer, the tab will appear as follows:

Documents tab

As with vehicles, it is possible to add, view or delete documents for customers, such as a copy of their driving license.

To add a document, drag and drop the file into the box provided, or select the file on your workstation using the button.

To manage a document, use the action buttons at the end of the document line.

To manage a document, use the action buttons at the end of the document line.

This button downloads the document for viewing.

This button imports the document into myrentcar.

This button cancels the import of the document into myrentcar.

This button deletes the document.

Warning: If the document does not save, check :

  • Document size (it must not exceed 2 MB or Mb).
  • Document name (the name should not be too long; rename the document if necessary and repeat the operation).

Driver tab

In this tab, you can view, add or modify drivers attached to a customer.

There are several ways to manage drivers in myrentcar:

  • Via the "Drivers" module accessible from the Dashboard
  • Via the customer file on the "Drivers" tab
  • By adding a driver to a contract

In all cases, operation is identical.

To add a driver, click on and enter the required information.

To view information or modify a driver, select the driver in the table and make the required changes.

"Name": Enter the driver's name.

  : Use this button if the customer authorizes the reception of sms.

"Last utilization": This field is automatically filled in when a driver is linked to a contract.

"Free Questions" box: These fields must be pre-configured. They mainly concern driver's license information and, if necessary, information relating to identity papers.

All mandatory fields must be entered to validate the addition of a driver.

To delete a driver from a customer account, select the desired driver and click on .

Adding a driver already linked to a customer on a document : Drivers already linked to the customer account selected on the document will always appear at the top of the list, in bold, when a driver search is performed.

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Deposit tab

This tab displays the customer's various guarantees. These payments correspond to guarantees or deposits.

To display the list of customer guarantees, click on .

Contacts tab

 In this tab, you can view, add or modify contacts attached to a customer.

 To view, edit or delete a contact, simply select it.

To add a contact, click on and enter the required information.

 Contacts can be included in automatic mailings.

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Once you have finished modifying the contact record, you need to save it. 

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