Customer list in myrentcar

Find out how to manage your customer list in myrentcar.

This section allows you to manage your entire customer file in your myrentcar vehicle rental management system.

It is made up of information requiring special attention under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The customer list screen on myrentcar allows you to quickly view the complete list of the agency's customers.

When accessing this screen, the table appears empty by default, and presents the following message "No data to display". To display customers, you need to perform a search.

See all customers

 To display all customers, click on the button.

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Search for one or more customers

The search can be refined by typing a criterion in a column field, then clicking on the button.

If the search term corresponds exactly to the customer's shortcut, myrentcar will open the corresponding file directly.

For example, you can filter the customer list according to a particular criterion, such as city. 

Search for agency customers

Depending on the company, the list can be reduced by branch. In this way, you can choose to search for customers from the entire company or just one branch. 

Sort customer list

As elsewhere in myrentcar, you can change the display order of the list by sorting the table on a column. To do this, once the column has been selected, click on its header to sort upwards, and click again on the header to sort downwards. An arrow will show the sorting applied.

Export customer list

Once the table has been formatted, you can export the customer list as a spreadsheet by clicking on the button.

Create a new customer file

Myrentcar offers several options for creating customer accounts:

  • Either directly in a Short Duration document by clicking on the button
  • Either from the present list by clicking on the button
  • Or from an existing customer file (using the action buttons).