Damage in myrentcar

Find out how to set up, create and manage your damages files in myrentcar.

Create a damage type

Before using the "Damage" menu, we need to create a Damage type. To do this, we need to go to the back office, select the "Fleet reference data" menu and enter the "Damage types" submenu in your myrentcar vehicle rental software.

You can then edit or create a list of Damages, grouping them by type.

Damages function

 It is then necessary to assign functions to users. First, open the back-office, enter the "Access management" and "User groups" menus, then click on the "Positions" tab.

Select the relevant group and define the rights you wish to assign to it:

: Creating different types of Damage.

: Creating a Damage File.

: Access to the Damage file with the option of modifying it.

: Deleting the Damage file.

: Printing the Damage File.

: Listing of Damage files.

Creating a damage file

To create a Damage file, select the "DAMAGE" menu.

Click on and select the "Creation of Damage" submenu.

The following window will open:

Damage tabs


: It is very important to fill in the date to make it easier to search the system and to suggest the document best suited to the vehicle's use.

 : Mandatory if is checked like this.

: This will tell us whether or not the damage has been reported to the insurer. If this is the case, the name of the insurer and "the date the report was sent" will be mandatory.

  : Insurance name. The software defaults to the insurer indicated in the vehicle file.

: This field corresponds to the report number. This is the reference that will link this file to the insurer's file.

: to indicate an internal reference number.

: When you click on this button, the software will only show you all movements related to this vehicle on the date indicated in the Date field.

: Here you have 3 choices: Short term, Long-term, Internal mouvement.

: This is the agency from which the contract for the damaged vehicle begins.

: The customer who caused the damage.

Notes: On the last 3 tabs, the fields fill in automatically once you have selected the "original contract".

: This is Customer name.

 : This is where the Driver who caused the Damage is entered.

After that, you have to decide whether he's a holder or a non-holder. 

: Indicates that this Damage file is not linked to a contract. If this box is checked, then the Original Contract field or the  will be inactive.

: If the Damage is not covered by the contract, you must provide a reason for the claim.

: Enables you to enter additional information about the non-contractual Damage.

: Choose the type of Damage you have created in the back-office, by clicking here the choice lists will appear as follows:

  And you can choose by clicking on it.

: Damage type.

: This is where you will find the percentage of responsibility for the Damage. You can choose between 0%, 50%, 100% or nil. 

 : Tick if the deductible is paid by the customer.

: Tick if the vehicle is inert (wrecked).

: Please tick if there has been bodily injury.

: Describes the damage to the vehicle.

: It is in this field that you will enter the place where the vehicle will be held for the assessment.


: Third-party damage estimate.

: Reimbursement made directly to the third party.

  : This is where we note the amount of the excess to be paid by the lessor.

: Amount of any excess billed to the lessee.

: Indicate the invoice number for the excess billed to the lessee.

: Name of expert.

: Date of expert's mission.

: Expertise date.

: Total actual appraisal amount.

: Amount of expert's report.

: Name of garage(s)

: Date of garage invoice.

: Garage invoice amount.

: This is the amount to be set aside for repairs.

: This is the insurer's name, which is completed by default with the name entered on the "General" tab.

: This is the date on which the insurer plans to pay the reimbursement.

: Estimated insurance reimbursement.

: Date on which you requested reimbursement from the insurance company.

: Date on which the insurance company made the reimbursement. However, if a date is entered, this will close the Damage file.

: Actual insurance reimbursement amount.

: Title of appeal (Bailiff, court ...).

: Reason for appeal

: Date of appeal

: Amount obtained by recourse

: This field is inaccessible to the user.

It shows the date the file was edited and the file result.

The calculation is:

Actual reimbursement

  • Third-party reimbursement
  • Deductible payable

+ Deductible charged

  • Expert amount
  • Amount from 3 garages

+ Recourse amount collected

: to view the list of purchase invoices associated with this Damage.

Third party

This tab allows you to enter information about the third party involved in the accident:

Name, address, etc.


Like all myrentcar's NOTES tabs, you can enter your own comments about the Damage and/or insert documents, photos, etc.


As elsewhere in myrentcar, you can add, view or delete documents for contracts, such as a copy of the driver's license.

To add a document, drag and drop the file into the box provided, or select the file on your workstation using the .

To manage a document, use the action buttons at the end of the document line.

This button imports the document into myrentcar.

This button cancels the import of the document into myrentcar.

This button deletes the document.

Warning: If the document does not save, check :

  • Document size (it must not exceed 2 MB or Mb).
  • Document name (the name should not be too long; rename the document if necessary and repeat the operation).

Printing a damage file

You can print the damage file by going to the bottom menu bar and clicking on the button.

 Here's an example of printing: