General screens of myrentcar

Find out how to manage the general screens in myrentcar.

Front Office

The Front Office is made up of several tiles giving access to the myrentcar vehicle rental software's various functions.

This is the main menu for entering bookings, contracts, etc...

This is the Dashboard.

The user menu is on the right and can be expanded by clicking on your name to access the Backoffice.

It is important to note that this area is reserved exclusively for administrators.

Back Office

As its name suggests, this interface is designed to manage myrentcar's configurations.

This page allows you to customise the dashboard interface, add more tariffs, create a new agency, manage access for each profile, and much more.

This area is useful for the administrator to effectively manage the settings and access rights of each user.

The "Profile" menu is used to organise the Front Office tiles by user.

The "Agencies" menu is used to create and enter information for one or more agencies.

The "Tariffs" menu is used to create specific tariffs for automatic cost calculation.

The "Invoicing incidents" menu is used to view invoices that have not been validated or are awaiting validation.

The "Import" menu is used to automatically load vehicle, customer and pricing lists into myrentcar.

The "Agreement" menu is used to create agreements between your company and suppliers.

The "Automatic emails" menu is used to configure the optional automatic email module.

The "Signatures" menu is used to configure the senders and recipients of emails sent and received by the agency.

The "Vehicule categories" menu is used to create and manage the vehicle categories in your fleet.

The "Companies" menu is used to create and enter information for one or more companies.

The "Holidays" submenu is used to define bank holidays to distinguish them in the schedule and pricing. 

The "Fleet Reference Data" menu is used to manage all your vehicles.

The "Third-party reference data" menu is used to manage all your customers and suppliers.

The "General operating configuration" menu is used to manage your services, communication parameters, type and deadline of payments, etc.

The "History" submenu allows you to view all the actions taken in myrentcar, including the connections made by each user.

The "ST (short-term) operating data" menu is used to set annual periods such as high or low seasons.

The "LT (long-term) operating data" menu is used to set parameters for fuel cards, budgets, billing groups, etc

The "Access management" menu is used to configure user groups by defining their functions and delegations.