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KM consumption follow-up of long term files in myrentcar

Find out how to track and calculate the mileage consumption of your long-term rental files in myrentcar.

Calculation of the theoretical end KM

1/ Look at the start counter in the KM tab of the file (e.g. 93) in your myrentcar car long term rental software

2/ Calculate the kilometer included as follows

Total km included / file duration / 30 (to convert to days)

150 000 / 60 /30 = 83.3333

3/ Calculate the expected duration of the contract in days

Planned or actual return date - contract start date

04/12/2024 - 05/12/2019 = 1826

Result (rounded)

Multiply 2/ by 3/ and add 1/.

(83.3333*1826) + 93 = 152260

For your information, the gauge is maxed out with the theoretical km x 2

Theoretical mileage calculation

1/ We look at the start counter in the folder's KM tab (e.g. 93).

2/ The km included is calculated as follows.

Total km included / duration of project / 30 (to convert to days)

150 000 / 60 /30 = 83.3333

3/ We calculate the elapsed contract duration in days on the current date (current date - contract start date).

Current date - contract start date

24/03/2021 – 05/12/2019 = 475

Result (rounded)

Multiply 2/ by 3/ and add 1/.

(83.3333*475) + 93 = 39676

Km projection calculation

1/ We look at the km in the vehicle file = 

Ex : 24500

2/ We look at the km departure on the LT folder = 

Ex : 93

3/ We calculate the elapsed duration of the file on the current date (current date - contract start date)

24/03/2021 – 05/12/2019 = 475

4/ Calculate total contract duration (planned or actual end date - contract start date)

04/12/2024 – 05/12/2019 = 1826

Result (rounded)

(24500-93) * (1826 / 475) = 24407 * 3.88442 = 93826

Calculation of overrun

Projection KM - Km theoretical end (if negative, 0 is displayed)