Lettering in myrentcar

Find out how to manage the lettering of your accounting entries in myrentcar.

Your myrentcar accounting software for car rental offers the option of lettering accounting entries for letterable accounts (third parties in particular) directly from the "Lettering" menu.

When accessing this screen, you can search for the account to be lettered and customize the transaction date to obtain a more precise result on the header block.


In myrentcar, lettering can be carried out using two methods: manual lettering and automatic lettering.

Once you've entered the lettering page, two buttons appear directly in the footer. 

 This button is used to return to the previous page.

This button is used to start lettering on the selected accounting operations.

  • Manual lettering can be performed by following the steps below:
    • Enter the "Lettering" menu.
    • In the field, enter the number of the third-party account to be lettered, then search (to search for an account, click on the magnifying glass and a new window will appear; click on to display the list of accounts).
    • Once the account has been entered, the list of unlettered accounting transactions is displayed as shown in this image:

  • To start automatic lettering. Follow these steps:
    • On the "Dashboard" page, select "More operations" from the "Lettering" menu and click on "Automatic lettering", as shown in the image:

Note that this display can be customized in the Backoffice. The display of each element can be modified according to the user's profile type and access rights. The admin is the only user with full editing rights.

  • Once clicked, a new window opens and all that remains is to enter the dates, accounts (which are mandatory fields) and grouping accounts to be lettered if necessary.

  • After entering the information, myrentcar automatically performs the lettering by clicking on the action button in the footer.



For deletter, myrentcar offers almost the same operations as for lettering.

When you enter the deleting interface, all you need to do is enter the account number in the field to be deleting, or search for it by clicking on the and the search interface appears directly.

By clicking on , the accounts available for deleting are displayed as shown in this image:

capture lettrage myrentcar EN 1

Once the account has been selected, the accounting operations already lettered are displayed. It is necessary to select the lines to be unlettered (using the "Select all" button or not) and click on the deletter option button.


Tally on myrentcar is done directly, using the same operations as for lettering and deleting.

Once you have entered the page, it is always necessary to search for the account to be tally in the field and to enter it.

Once you've selected the lines to be used for tallying, click on the option button at the foot of the page to obtain the desired result.


To carry out a untally, we suggest you follow the same steps as for the "Tally" operation, as they are similar.

The aim of this step is to undo the score made by searching for specific accounts.