List of equipment in myrentcar

Find out how to manage your equipment list in myrentcar.

This section lets you manage equipment and assign it to vehicles in the myrentcar car rental management software.

The equipment list screen provides a quick overview of all the company's equipment.

When accessing this screen, the table appears empty by default, with the message "No data to display". To display equipment, you need to perform a search.

View all equipment

To display all equipment, click on the .

You don't need to load to see the whole list, just use your mouse's scroll bar.

Search for one or more pieces of equipment

The search can be refined by entering a criterion in the fields provided then clicking on the .

This search targets terms contained in search fields and displays results if that term appears in a column, regardless of the column or the term's place in the data.

If the search term corresponds exactly to the equipment shortcut, myrentcar will open the corresponding file directly.

For example, it is possible to filter the equipment list according to a particular criterion, such as supplier.

When searching on 1 or 2 letters or numbers, the results containing your criterion may be numerous. This may not be precise enough, in which case the search needs to be better defined, or the equipment needs to be found on another results page. 

Search for equipment

Search by vehicle in the equipment list

The search can be narrowed and refined by entering a vehicle registration or number in the "Vehicles" field:

It is also possible to filter on "all" equipment, only "in-branch" equipment or "available" equipment.

Search by equipment in the vehicle list

The search can be performed and narrowed down by entering a label, or the serial number of a piece of equipment in the "Equipment" field.

It is possible to filter on vehicles "in fleet" or all vehicles.

Sort equipment list

As elsewhere in myrentcar, you can change the way the list is displayed by sorting the table by column. To do this, once the column has been selected, click on its header to sort upwards, and click again on the header to sort downwards. An arrow will show the sorting applied.

Export equipment list

Once the table has been formatted, you can export the equipment list in spreadsheet format by clicking on the .

Create a new equipment file

The creation of equipment is possible:

  • From this list by clicking on the button
  • From an existing equipment master record (using the action buttons)
  • From a vehicle master record, Equipment tab

Managing an equipment file from a vehicle

To create new equipment or assign existing equipment to a vehicle, use the tab in the selected vehicle file:

To assign existing equipment to the vehicle, click on "create", then select the equipment and add the start and end dates.

The start date is mandatory. Once you've finished, save your changes by clicking on .

To create an item of equipment (from a vehicle file), click on "Add an item of equipment".

Once you've finished, you can assign the new equipment to this vehicle as explained above.