List of vehicles in myrentcar

Find out how to manage your vehicle and fleet list in myrentcar.

This screen provides a quick overview of your company's complete vehicle list in myrentcar vehicle rental software.

When accessing this screen, the table appears empty by default, with the message "No data to display". To display the vehicles, you need to perform a search.

View all vehicles

To display the list of vehicles, click on the .

capture liste véhicule myrentcar EN.jpg

Search for one or more vehicles

To display specific vehicles, enter your search criteria in the appropriate field and click on the button .
This search targets the terms contained in the search field and displays results if that term appears in a column, regardless of the column or the place of the term in the data.
For example, you can display the list of a particular model by typing its name.

capture recherche liste véhicule myrentcar EN.jpgIf you search on a letter or number, the results displayed contain your criteria. For example, searching for a vehicle registration with "ER" will return all matching vehicles.

Fleet vehicles

This list provides access to vehicles. To display only vehicles currently in the fleet, use the .

You can change the way the list is displayed by sorting the table by column. To do this, once you've chosen a column, click on its header to sort upwards, then click on it again to sort downwards. An arrow will show the sorting applied.

Export vehicle list

Once the table has been formatted, you can export the list of vehicles as a spreadsheet by clicking on the .

Create a new vehicle file

You can create a new vehicle master record by clicking on the .