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Long term budgets in myrentcar

Find out how to manage your long term rental budgets in myrentcar.

In addition to leasing, you can offer your lessees additional services such as servicing, maintenance, tire changes, etc....

Your myrentcar vehicle leasing management software allows you to monitor these additional services via the BUDGET option and the PURCHASE menu.

Each time a purchase order (= supplier invoice) is entered, a warning message is displayed.

The purpose of this document is to guide you through setting up and using the budget option.

Should you require further information on the purchase menu, we can provide you with a written procedure on request.

LT Budget settings

This menu is available in the Backoffice and can be accessed by clicking on "Budget" in the LT operating data menu.

Here you can enter the various budgets you wish to set up.

A budget is defined by :

  • A code
  • A Name
  • You can choose an amount and/or quantity for your budget
  • An alert: you have 3 choices:
    • No: no alert
    • Exceeding: a message will warn you that your budget has been exceeded.
    • Systematic: when a purchase order is entered, you will be warned that it is a budgeted operation.

The aim now is to establish the relationship between budgets and purchasing operations.

A purchase operation is an item invoiced to you by the supplier.

This is a setting in the PURCHASE menu. Their creation is explained in the procedure named PURCHASE, available on request from our services.

Purchase transactions types

Go to the Backoffice and click on  « Purchase transactions » in the General operating configuration menu.

We'll assume that the purchasing operations have already been created.

Identify the operations that will form part of the budget, and in the BUDGET column, position the relevant budget.

Let's take an example:

We have created a budget called "MAINTENANCE".

In the types of purchase operations, we have positioned the plates in this budget.

This means that when we make purchase orders with these operations and the vehicle, a message will warn us that these operations are part of a budget.

The budget settings are now complete. Now it's time to position them on long-term files.

Long term files

Long-term files can be accessed via the Dashboard, then the ContractsLT menu.

Open the relevant file and in the CONDITIONS tab, position the various budgets.

To do this, in the "Budgets" frame, click on .

Select the budget(s) concerned.

In the example above, we have budgeted for tires in the amount of €1000.00 and/or 4 tires and maintenance in the amount of €1450.00€

The capture budget ld EN 1 button displays a budget tracker.

Purchase menu

When entering an external purchase order, by selecting a budgeted purchase operation and the vehicle concerned, the software will display a message according to your settings.


You can list files with budgets in the menu STATS / LONG TERM / Budget reports.