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Long term invoicing in myrentcar

Find out how to invoice and edit your LT files in myrentcar.

Long term billing

Before you start invoicing in your myrentcar long term car rental software, make sure that the dates are correct, add your services if necessary, and also the kilometers to be invoiced.

You have two billing options:

  • Individual invoicing
  • General invoicing

Invoicing for a long term file

To invoice individual files, simply access the relevant file.

At the bottom of the screen, you'll find the button, which allows you to bill this contract.

You will be able to launch a general billing, but billing from the folder means that you are only billing this contract.

Clicking on the invoice button opens a new window.

You must indicate the start of the billing period (by default, the software indicates the current date). It's up to you to modify this to suit your needs.

The invoice date is the date on which the invoice is posted.

NOTE: This date can only be modified if the user's account is fully authorized.

You will also notice that only the "rental voucher billing" box is checked.

If you wish to invoice any additional kilometers on the file, you will need to tick "invoicing kilometers".

Long term general invoicing

General invoicing is accessible via the LT Contracts menu > on the small plus General invoicing.

This menu allows you to launch invoicing for all files

  • For one or all customers and/or
  • For one or more groups and/or
  • For a given period and/or
  • For a specific contract term (due or to become due) and/or
  • For a type of contract (Long or Medium Term)

By default, the invoice date is the current date and represents the posting date. To modify this date, you must have all the necessary authorizations.

You can choose to invoice only vouchers and/or additional kilometers, as well as the types of files to be integrated (all, to be re-invoiced or in progress).

Viewing long term invoices

 You can view invoices in the LT Invoices menu.

Long term editions

Here are the different editions available for the long-life range.

Status of files to be billed

This report is available in the Reports > LONG TERM > Contracts to be invoiced report menu.

It will provide you with a list of files to be invoiced according to the criteria you define.

Statement of kilometers to be billed

This edition is available via the menu Reports > LONG TERM > LT Kilometers invoice.

You will obtain a list of files for which additional kilometers are to be billed.

Long term files and Km

This edition is available via the menu Reports > LONG TERM > Contracts km long term.

It allows you to list long-term files according to certain criteria.

Fuel management

This edition is available via the menu Reports > LONG TERM > Fuel management.

Taw reintegration / TVTS report

These editions are available via REPORTS > LONG TERM > TVTS report.

They can be sent to your tenants for tax purposes.

You must modify the various rates and thresholds in the PARAMETERS / LONG-TERM SETTINGS menu whenever new legislation is introduced.

This will determine the exact calculation of these statements.

Amendment Report

This edition is available via REPORTS > LONG TERM > REPORT AMENDEMENT.

It retraces the history of amendments to the long-term file.

The list of endorsements depends on the settings you have made in PARAMETERS / LONG TERM SETTINGS / Endorsement tab.

Budget Report

This edition is available via REPORTS > LONG TERM > BUDGET STATUS.

This is the list of budgets defined in each long-term file.

Budget settings are presented in a procedure called "LT - BUDGET", which is available on request.

Invoice Report

This edition is available via REPORTS > LONG TERM > INVOICE REPORTS.

It shows the list of invoices.

Restitutions list

This edition is available via REPORTS > LONG TERM > RESTITUTIONS LIST.

Extraction of LT files and budgets

This involves extracting details of long-term care files and budgets in Excel.