Manage user accounts in myrentcar

Find out how to create and manage user accounts in myrentcar.

Create a new account

To create a new user, open the myrentcar car rental software and click on your profile in the top right-hand corner. You should see the "Backoffice" menu (if not, contact Hitech so that we can activate your user account).

 In the "Access management" menu, click on the "User" submenu. 

 Once entered, the following window will open:

Click on the button to create a new user.

You will then be asked to enter your login, name, e-mail address, language and date of entry.

 In the « AGENCIES » tab, drag an agency to the right to assign it to the user.

In the « GROUPS » tab, drag the group(s) you wish to assign to this user to the right (according to the user's attributions).

Then click on the "VALIDATE" button. The user will then receive an e-mail with a temporary password. The user will be able to use this password only once, and will be asked to change it immediately.

It is preferable to memorize passwords. Please note that, for security reasons, our service does not have access to this information. If you forget it, an administrator will have to reset the user's password. This will be covered later in this document.

You'll see that you can add a photo and various information about the user.

If you are using myrentcar's e-mail function, enter the user's e-mail address so that the software will default to this address when sending documents.

If the status is set to "inactive", the user account will be deactivated and will no longer be able to access myrentcar.

Finally, go to the Backoffice menu in the myrentcar web application, then click on PROFILES.

When you create a new login, you must assign it a profile so that it can use myrentcar. You'll find the list of profiles on the left, and the list of users on the right. The user you created previously will have no profile assigned by default. Select the profile corresponding to your user's functions, then click on OK.

Reset a password

If a user enters the wrong password several times in succession (depending on your password policy settings), their user account will be blocked.

To unlock it, go to the Backoffice, then to the "Access management" menu and click on "Users". Now click on the RESET button on the user file.

This action will send an e-mail to the user concerned (his e-mail address is defined in his user file) containing a temporary password. The user will be able to use this password only once, and will be asked to change it immediately.

Deactivate a user account

If you wish to deactivate a user account, you must go to the Back-office, then click on "Users" in the "Access management" menu, and set the user's file to "Inactive". It will not be possible to use the DELETE button once this account has been used in myrentcar.