Manual TV management in myrentcar

Find out how to manually manage TV and fines in myrentcar.

The fines management menu allows you to record TV received by the rental company in connection with the rental in progress at the time of the offence.

This registration will generate in your myrentcar vehicle rental software package:

  • A history of fines, visible in the TV menu as well as in customer and vehicle files
  • Invoicing of any administrative costs associated with processing, in the form of various sales vouchers

TV creation

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Use this button to create fines.

The principle of this screen is to enter all tickets received one after the other, then to make a global record at the end of the entry.

As long as records have not been saved, it is always possible to modify them.

If several fines of the same type are to be recorded in succession, the "Default values" box can be used to specify the values to be used for all future creations. 


Button detail :

Opens the screen for creating a new ticket

Modifies a pending ticket in the list before final validation.

Deletes a pending ticket from the list before final validation.

Saves the list of tickets on the screen, and creates any expense slips.

Create a TV

The TV creation screen consists of several elements:

Other incomes 

 Indicates whether or not this contravention should generate a miscellaneous charge voucher (to bill administrative costs to the customer)

Ticket No. 

Number on ticket


Date and time of offence


Allows you to classify the ticket received (this drop-down menu can be configured; please contact Hitech support).


If a document is to be edited, this field indicates the recipient of the mail.


Myrentcar user code

Internal reference (optional)

This field is used to enter a specific rental company reference for this ticket.


If a document is to be issued, select the document model here


Number of the vehicle concerned by the penalty


Use the magnifying glass to search for the rental concerned (Myrentcar will find the contract directly using the registration number and the date and time of the violation).

Once these elements have been entered, click on the OK button to see the TV appear in the TV creation list.

At this stage, the fine is only visible on this screen, and has not yet been saved.

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Once all tickets have been entered, click on the SAVE button to save them in myrentcar and generate any associated sales slips.

A message in the top right-hand corner of the screen indicates the result of the backup.

Miscellaneous sales voucher


Generated sales slips can be viewed from this menu.

Example of a generated sales order:

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The following elements are automatically included:

  • The client present on the rental.
  • The vehicle concerned.
  • The service configured and its amount (see 1- A), the wording being the TV number.
  • Notes indicating the date/time of the ticket and the type of offence.

The Invoicing button at the bottom of the sales order generates the invoice for expenses, after any modifications made to the sales order elements.

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It is also possible to launch a "mass" invoicing of generated sales slips, using the General invoicing button.

TV list

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 The list of fines is available via this button on the Dashboard.

capture gestion manuelle pv myrentcar EN 6Most grid columns feature a search field, enabling targeted filtering (on registration, for example).

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Starts a search for TV, based on the criteria entered

Creates a new TV

After selecting a TV, this button allows you to edit a document for this TV (letter, letter and duplicate invoice, invoice).

After selecting a TV, this button is used to generate a charge slip for that ticket (only for tickets that have never had a charge slip). 

Consultation from the customer or vehicle file

TV created by both manual and automated ticketing systems can be viewed in the TV tab of the customer or vehicle file.

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