Myrentcar 2.4 patch note

Discover the new features and fixes of the myrentcar 2.4 update.

It's summer and with the myrentcar 2.4 patch, the season promises to be even sunnier for car rental professionals! Take advantage of the new functionality that automatically integrates vehicles during rebillings and simplify your purchases! Dive into your customer history with the “Signed Documents” menu and make your management easier by opening the files in a new tab from the schedule. Finally, the improvement of the Middle Office completes this summer update to optimize your productivity. Happy holidays and good management with the myrentcar car rental management software!


  • myrentcarservices; Review of methods:
    • The error codes returned on some of the methods have been corrected
  • myrentcarservices; Added methods:
    • GetContratsLD, to retrieve a list of “Long Term” contracts
    • GetContratLDDetails, to retrieve the details of a “Long Term” contract
    • GetClientDetail, to retrieve the details of a Customer account
    • Drivers, POST and PUT, for creating and modifying Drivers
  • Purchase vouchers; When re-invoicing from a purchase voucher, addition of a new behavior which will automatically recover the vehicle present on the voucher, to transfer it to the miscellaneous sale created
  • Purchases from “Long Duration” documents; Addition of a behavior which will automatically recover the vehicle present on the Long Duration document, when inserting new purchase transaction lines
  • Customer files; Addition in the “History” tab of a new “Signed Documents” menu, allowing you to consult the history of all documents signed by the customer
  • Vehicle Planning; Addition in the planning criteria, of a new option activated by default, allowing the opening of all files from the planning, in new browser tabs
  • Advanced Payments Menu; Addition during multiple payment entry, of a new field showing the current balance on the payment entered
  • Functions; Added a new function allowing the blocking of all CSV exports from the lists available in myrentcar (disabled by default)
  • Middle Office; Addition of a notion of email used for resetting passwords (usable only within the framework of an activated password policy)


  • Creation of Manual fine; Adjustment to the entry of FPS amounts, now possible with decimals
  • Customer files; Contacts tab, correction to contact details, which appeared in duplicate
  • Middle Office, Alert families; Correction on the size of fields which was inconsistent
  • Middle Office, Accounting Models; Correction on entering accounting accounts which did not work in certain cases
  • myrentcarservices, GetDocumentsCD Method; Correction to the “Departure date” which did not include the correct data
  • Middle Office; Overall review and correction of the following menus:
    • Price Increase
    • Contact functions
    • Service contact
    • Decommissioning
    • Recipients of fines
    • Families
    • LT public holidays
    • Disputes: Reasons
    • Disputes: Results
    • Accounting Models
    • Accounting Export Settings
    • Mail settings
    • SMS transmission rules
    • Entering budgets
    • Stop sales
    • Types of settlement
    • Ecological labels

The myrentcar 2.4 patch brings significant improvements to optimize the management of your fleet and vehicle rental. We hope these new features will help you become more efficient and enjoy the summer. In the meantime, get ready for the start of the school year where big surprises await you: a new visual identity, a brand new application and a redesigned website for an optimal user experience. We will reveal all the details to you when the time comes. The entire hitech team wishes you a wonderful, sunny and productive vacation!