Password management in myrentcar

Find out how to change, modify and manage passwords in myrentcar.

Password management in myrentcar vehicle rental solution allows you to set up a password security policy, including the obligation to change passwords at given intervals, and blocking in the event of successive incorrect attempts.

The purpose of this documentation is to help administrators set up and use this feature on a day-to-day basis. 

Activate password management

In Backoffice, menu SYSTEM - OPTIONS, activate password management via the checkbox in the "Controls" tab;

Password policy

In the Windows Backoffice, you can define the password management policy for your company.

  • Minimum and maximum validity periods: users must be able to change their password within a minimum period equal to the minimum validity period and a maximum period equal to the maximum validity period. To do so, the user must enter his current password, then enter his new password twice.
  • End-of-validity reminder: defines how many days before the password expiry date the user should be notified. The message will appear each time the user logs in. If the password has expired, the user will be prompted to enter a new password and will be taken directly to the password renewal page (he/she will not be able to access the rest of the application until the password has been changed).
  • Maximum incorrect attempts: defines the maximum number of password attempts that can be made for a user account. If this number is exceeded, the user account will become "Inactive".

Password change by an administrator

An administrator can reset a user's password directly from the user file in Backoffice, via the "Reset" button".

This action will send an e-mail to the user concerned (his e-mail address is defined in his user file) containing a temporary password. The user will be able to use this password only once, and will be asked to change it immediately.