Purchases list in myrentcar

Find out how to manage your purchases list in myrentcar.

Purchasing is divided into two parts in your management software for rental company: internal and external.

Internal purchasing: this type of purchase is used to record a service performed by the company without any external third party. For example, if a leasing agent performs a level check that does not require any accounting valuation.

External purchase: this type of purchase is used when a service provider from outside the company is involved in a purchase or service that generates costs.

The specific features of each purchase are described in the relevant sections of this documentation.

When accessing the Internal Purchasing or External Purchasing sections, the first screen provides a quick overview of the agency's complete list of purchases.

When accessing this screen, the table appears empty by default, with the message "No data to display". To display purchases, you need to perform a search. 

See all purchases

To display the list of purchases, click on the button.

You no longer need to load the entire list, just use your mouse to scroll down to see the rest of the list.

Search for purchases by criteria

To display specific purchases, type the criterion in the field provided and click on the button.

This search targets the terms contained in the search field and displays the results if this term appears in a column, regardless of the column or the place of the term in the data.

For example, it is possible to display the list of purchases by type and thus display only fuel purchase orders.

capture liste achats myrentcar EN 1

If you search on a letter or a number, the results displayed contain your criteria. For example, if you search for a voucher by vehicle registration and enter "AR", all matching vouchers will be displayed, including the "ACHAT/FIN " vouchers listed above, as well as vouchers of other types, even if the vehicle registration does not contain these letters.

Search for purchases by date

You can search by date and/or period. To do this, use the column for entering or selecting dates. 

By selecting a period, the dates are automatically filled in with the current date.

Search for one or more external purchases by accounting type

For external purchases, it is possible to search for a specific type of accounting. This information corresponds to the External purchase order accounting field.

To do this, use the corresponding box and tick the required type.

"Out Accounting": Check this box to search for vouchers that will not be taken into account when generating the accounting export.

"Accounted": Tick to search for vouchers whose entries have been generated.

"Not Accounted": Tick to search for vouchers whose entries have not yet been generated.

Sort purchases list

As elsewhere in myrentcar, you can change the way the list is displayed by sorting the table by column. To do this, once the column has been selected, click on its header to sort upwards, and click again on the header to sort downwards. An arrow will show the sorting applied.

Export purchases list

Once the table has been formatted, you can export the list of vehicles as a spreadsheet by clicking on the button.

Create a new voucher

There are several ways to create a voucher in MyRentCar, whether internal or external:

  • Via the Dashboard, using actions linked to internal or external purchasing (see corresponding documentation),
  • By transforming a purchase order (see corresponding documentation),
  • Via the list of purchase orders by clicking on the button,
  • Via an existing purchase order (using the action buttons).