Search documents in myrentcar

Find out how the myrentcar search tool works and how to search for your documents by period, date, criteria or file type.

Presentation of the search tool

To launch a new search with or without criteria, click on the search button: .

Thus, to obtain all documents in your myrentcar car rental PDF software, click on the button without adding any criteria.

To obtain specific documents, target your search criteria and click on the search button.

By default, myrentcar sets up date criteria to focus the search on the last 3 months in relation to the current date.

In addition, results are sorted by document date, in ascending order. Documents found are displayed from the most recent to the oldest.

There may be many search results. To navigate between results pages, use the navigation buttons below the table. 

This navigation bar also shows the number of pages and total results found.

Search by period and/or dates

This section allows you to narrow down your search in terms of time.

You can enter specific dates by typing them in, or by selecting them from the calendar.

In the case of search by period, when a period is selected in the list, the dates are automatically changed to the current date.

capture recherche document myrentcar EN 1

Search by criteria

This search allows you to target a specific document. To perform this search, enter a precise criterion in the field provided and indicate the column in which the criterion is to be searched.

To search by document number or vehicle registration, enter the exact criterion. For example, a document numbered "F455" will not be found if the search criterion is "55". It will only be found if the search criterion is "F455".

To carry out a search on the client name, the criterion must be contained in this name. In this way, the customer "Tire & co" will be found as soon as the heading contains the search criterion, whether this criterion is "&" or "Tire".

Search by document type

The last section allows you to filter your search by document type.

To use this filter, select the desired document type(s) from the available list.

So if an agent wants to display a "Short-term contract" but doesn't want to browse the list, he can filter the list as in the example below.

To remove filtering on document types, click on the cross in the list of filters used (see screenshot below) or uncheck these filters from the list.