Set up payment modes in myrentcar

Find out how to set up your payment modes in the myrentcar back office.

To set up payment methods in your myrentcar car rental payment software, open the Backoffice installed on the workstation and access the menu, then .

The following window appears:

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To create a new payment method, click on .

Tab description

"Definitions" tab

This is where you define the accounting scheme you want for your payments. First, we'll take a closer look at each element of this tab. 

  • In entry

When you enter a payment in myrentcar, if this box is checked, accounting entries are generated:

CREDIT: Customer account

DEBIT: Suspense or other account

By ticking the "Pass accounting records " box, accounting entries are generated after bank transfer in the payments module.

  • : Allows you to change the remittance number in the payment module.
  • : et the date on which entries are to be entered in the accounts: either on the remittance date or on the due date.
  • : Select which account is to be credited with the remittance: the third-party account or the treasury account.
  • : check this box if you want bank transfers to be carried out automatically when you access the payment module. This is generally used for Cartes Bancaires-type payment methods.
  • : define the periodicity of this remittance in terms of days.
  • : define a minimum and maximum amount for this automatic discount; if the discounted amount is outside these limits, a warning message will appear in the payment module. 

Creation through billing

This field is only active when you are using a direct debit, bank transfer, factor or bill of exchange type of payment.

It therefore concerns payment types that are automatically generated during invoicing.

  • : Check box if this payment method is to be linked to the branch; otherwise, it will be linked to the company.
  • : Check box if you wish credit notes to be transmitted with your computerized file:

Example: in the direct debit file, do you wish to find negative lines corresponding to credit notes?

  • Alert on amounts collected

Set a minimum and maximum threshold if you want a message to alert you when the discount is below or above these amounts.

  • Banking commission

For each payment method, you can define whether there is a bank commission.

You have 3 choices:

  1. No commission
  2. Commission deducted upon deposit
  3. Commission entered separately.
    • : Indicate commission rate
    • : Indicate the minimum commission amount.
    • : Indicate the VAT rate applied to this bank commission.
    • : You have 2 choices:
    1. Included
    2. In addition

"Complement" tab

: Free text field that can be printed on bank deposit slips.

  • : If you don't want to credit/debit the third-party account, you can choose to replace these accounts with a single third-party account. (generally for direct debits, bills of exchange, factor...)
  • : This concerns payments issued for customers (usually LCRs or drafts).

5 choices :

  1. By payment
  2. By slip
  3. Per client
  4. By due date
  5. By payment date
  • : This concerns CUSTOMER discounts and SUPPLIER issues.

6 choices :

  1. By payment
  2. By slip
  3. By Client / Supplier
  4. By due date
  5. By payment date
  6. By Customer / Supplier + due date
  • This refers to the possibility of anticipating a supplier's payment before the due date.
  • : Please specify the type of direct debit: pars Core or B2B

"Company information' tab

This is where you enter the accounting information relating to the payment method for the COMPANY.

Company settlements are value movements that do not pass through the branches.

For payment entry

  • : Select the pending account for the customer payment
  • : Select the payment journal
  • : If you wish the third-party account to be replaced by another (in the Factors framework), select the appropriate account.

Remittance treasury

  • : Create as many treasury accounts as you have.
  • : For each treasury, select the appropriate account.
  • : For each treasury, indicate its journal.
  • : Indicate the account for bank commissions
  • : Indicate the issuer number (supplied by your bank).
  • : Text box for treasury details (usually address)
  • : RIB and direct debit information
  • : enter IBAN number
  • : enter address
  • : enter BIC number
  • : This field is mandatory. This is the default treasury for bank remittances.
  • : Enter the next number for your remittance slips.

Configuration of payment terms

Once you've created the payment methods, you now need to determine the payment deadlines.

To do this, go to the menu, then .

To create a payment term, select the relevant payment method, then click on .

Enter the following information:

: Payment method deadline wording

: On the customer master record/accounting tab, you have the option of specifying payment terms.

If you use this payment method on the customer master record, and this box is ticked, the software will take into account the period indicated here.

: Indicate payment term (in days)

: Check this box if payment is due at the end of the month.

: Indicate the day of the month for settlement.

capture config reglement EN 2 : This is a text box that can be printed on your various documents.

Setting up payments in files


Configuring payment on agency file

In the agency file accessible via menu, enter menu then or .

When you enter this menu, the window appears empty, as shown below.

To display the list of agencies, click on the button.

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Choose the agency you wish to add a payment method to and click on the tab.

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Click on to add a new payment method accessible to the agency.

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Here, you'll see that the drop-down list contains all the payment methods you've previously created in the payment methods menu.

Add each payment method that the agency can use. (If automatic payments are to be managed by the company, do not add them here).

Now you need to fill in the following items:

  • : Check this box if you want this payment method to be used when documents are entered by a counter user.
  • : Indicate which of your treasuries will be used by default in the settlements module.
  • : Indicate the next number for your bank remittance slip.

For payment entry

  • : Indicate which account this payment method should go to when entering your documents.
  • : Indicate the journal to which this method of payment should be posted when entered in your documents.
  • : If you don't want the entry to go to the invoice's third-party account, specify a replacement account (usually for factoring).

Treasuries for discounts

  • : Enter the name of the treasury for this payment method.
  • Create as many treasury accounts as required.
  • : Enter the treasury account to which the payment is to be deposited.
  • : Indicate which cash journal the payment should be made to.
  • : If bank commissions are involved, indicate which account should be used to generate the entries.
  • : Free text zone for entering treasury information: this can be printed on the remittance slip.

Configuring payment methods on customer files

It is possible to configure customer payment methods.

To do this, access a customer file and consult the "ACCOUNTING" tab.

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Mandate information is indicated in the "Payment" section of the customer file.

Enter the information required for the mandate: IBAN and BIC of the customer.

Enter mandate information if Mandate Date, Type and Number are known.

Otherwise, at the time of invoicing, the Mandate Date, Type and Number information will be automatically entered in the customer master record.