Tariff management in myrentcar

Find out how to manage tariffs, rates and prices in myrentcar.

In myrentcar, a tariff can be accessed by clicking on one of the results in the tariff list, or by searching for the particular tariff, using the tariff code search.

Once on the tariff, an action banner appears at the bottom of the page. As the mouse hovers over the icons, a description of the action quickly appears.

This button saves the changes made to the price list.

This button takes you back to the price list.

Use this button to create a new tariff.

This button is used to print a document if it is set to.

This button is used to create a new tariff by copying the current tariff.

This button is used to export the tariff table for the type of vehicle displayed.

This button is used to create rental periods based on the number of days and mileage included.

Use this button to change the tariff code.

Use this button to delete a tariff.

This button is used to export prices.

This button is used to import prices.

The rest of this documentation explains the different parts of tariff management.

General tariff information header

The header is divided into two frames containing the basic information of the displayed tariff. It will always be displayed when a tariff is consulted.

"Code" : The code entered during creation is displayed in this field.

"Name" : Enter the tariff title. This field is mandatory.

"Company " : If required, select the company that will be able to use this tariff. Leave the field empty so that all companies have access to the tariff. 

 Check this box to enable this rate to be used.

Please note: It is not possible to delete a tariff that is already in use. To stop seeing it when creating a new contract, uncheck this box

"Start" and "End" : Enter the start and end dates of the tariff activity period. This information is for information purposes only, and serves as a reminder to the administrator to make the tariff inactive.

 Check the Counter box to use the tariff when creating a contract directly at the branch counter.

Check this box to link a rate to a more or less precise, pre-configured location (an agency, a region, etc.).

Tariff display management

The second frame of the header is used to manage the display of the tariff entry grid.

"VehicleType" : Select the type of vehicle you want to manage the tariffs for the categories linked to this type.

"Services : x" : Select the services displayed for each category. The number of services selected is indicated in the field title. Selected services are highlighted in orange. To select a service, click on a white line. To hide a service, deselect an orange service line by clicking on it.

: Check this box to display active durations, i.e. those with no start/end dates and those with current or future start/end dates. Uncheck to display all durations.

"Min Day" : Enter the minimum number of days for the desired duration.

"Max Day" : Enter the maximum number of days of the desired duration.

"Start date" and "End date" : Enter or select the start/end date of the duration you are looking for.

: This button is used to validate and relaunch the search according to the selected criteria.

  : This button is used to enter a price that will be applied to the entire tariff, regardless of category or duration.

Tariff tab

This tab shows the price table by category and duration. This is where you can enter prices by vehicle category and rental duration. 
When creating a rate, the table has no duration, so no column is displayed.

It is necessary to create a duration or select existing durations. To do this, click on the button located on the action buttons bar.

Once the durations have been selected, click in the box at the intersection of duration and category to bring up the tariff management button: .

Click on the button corresponding to the category and duration box to add the prices for the rental services. Below, the rate managed is for the rental of a "category A" vehicle for a duration of "1 to 4 days".

This action opens a dialog box that allows you to manage rates by service.

The window title recalls the duration and category selected by clicking on the appropriate button (see above).

The first frame allows you to completely set the rate for the chosen duration.

  : Check the box to activate this tariff.

"Modifiable Tariff" : Select a value to configure the tariff modification during its use.

  • "Yes" : Authorizes price modification directly on the contract (discount or change in the price of services).
  • "No" : Refuses price change on contract.
  • "Discountable" : Authorizes the application of a discount on the tariff.

Please note: Some profiles, such as Administrator, allow you to bypass this type of blocking.

"Max discount" : If required, add a maximum discount percentage. When a contract is created, the discount entered can never exceed this ceiling. If a user attempts to enter a higher discount, this value will automatically be replaced by the percentage entered this field.

"Base calculation Day" : Select rate calculation basis:

  • "Calendar" : The calculation is based on the calendar month.
  • "Working" : Only working days are included in the calculation, i.e. the days on which the company renting the vehicle is open (all days of the week except weekly rest days).
  • "Workable" : Only working days are included in the calculation, i.e. days worked by the company renting the vehicle (all days of the week except weekly rest days and public holidays).

    Le Public holidays must be defined in advance in the Backoffice

"Base days" : This field is automatically filled in with the maximum number of days before additional days are billed.

"Hourly thershold" : Indicate the number of hours of delay allowed before charging for an additional day.

To manage the different services for this tariff, use the buttons below the grid.

: This button is used to add a service.

: This button is used to modify the selected line (also possible by double-clicking on the required field).

: This button confirms that the modification has been saved.

: This button is used to cancel current modifications or additions.

: This button deletes the selected line.

The various fields available when adding or modifying a line are as follows:

"Subscription" : Check the box to automatically select this service when adding a tariff. 

"Service" : Select one of the services from the pre-set list.

"Name" : If necessary, change the wording of the service for this rate.

"Price type" : Select the type of price applied to this service. The most commonly used types are: 

  • "Day" : The amount entered will be multiplied by the number of days, i.e. the rental period.
  • "Flat rate" : The amount entered is applied per rental.

There are other types of prizes

"Excl. VAT" and "Incl.VAT" : Enter a price excluding or including VAT; the latter will be automatically calculated according to the VAT rate previously entered.

"VAT" : This field is automatically filled in with the VAT previously entered when setting up services.

The next two fields are used to manage the rate of the service based on the presence of another service. This is used for deductibles, which can be reduced if the customer takes out insurance.

"Insurance" : Select an insurance policy previously set up in benefits.

"Reduced" : Enter the price of the service after insurance has been taken into account.

Depending on what is entered in the screenshot above, when creating a contract:

  • If the customer takes out insurance: the theft excess will cost €500.
  • If the customer does not take out insurance: the price applied for the theft deductible will be the basic price, i.e. €1,000..

"Max limit" : Some services can only be billed for a maximum number of days. For example, if you enter the value "5" in "ceiling", the service will be billed for 5 days even if the rental is 15 days long.

Note: In order for the tariffs on a contract to function correctly, at least the RENTAL, ADDITIONAL DAYS and ADDITIONAL KM services are required.

Click on to validate price entry for this category / duration. The pre-tax prices entered will appear in the grid.

Repeat the operation for each category for the same duration, in the same column. If the tariff of the previous category has already been entered, the chosen category will take over the elements of the previous category.

In the screenshot above, the services recorded for category A over the same duration are shown. Check and modify prices or delete services as required.

Add category prices for different durations in the same way.

To manage a tariff completely, myrentcar allows you to enter common prices: 

  • Category Price : A service costs the same for a category, regardless of the rental period.
  • Tariff Price : A service costs the same for all tariff categories and durations.

If services have a common price, it will not be possible to modify them when managing prices by category / duration, and the corresponding lines will appear in gray. This can be seen in the screenshot below.

When managing the tariff for the last duration, the 4 services that have common prices are grayed out to indicate that the tariff must be managed using one of the corresponding functions: Category Price for cleaning services and Tariff Price for child seats.

Once the rate has been finalized, save the changes to the rate and it will be available on the Short-Term documents. 

Notes tab

This tab allows you to enter internal notes in the free field. This information is for internal use only.

If a note is present, the tab appears as follows : image-png-Feb-27-2024-04-19-24-9442-PM.