Advanced tariff management in myrentcar

Find out how to manage your advanced tariffs, rates and prices in myrentcar.

The following functions can be used to manage pricing in your myrentcar car rental tool.

The "Pricing" tile in the backoffice provides access to these functions.

Duration KM

As in the other sections of myrentcar, this grid is managed using the buttons below. When adding a duration, it is necessary to fill in the various fields in each column.

"Tariff" : Check the duration box to display the corresponding column in the price list.

"Name" : Enter the title of the duration, which must be explicit to allow quick selection and understanding by the user. Ex: "1 day/100kms".

"Minimum day" : Enter the minimum number of rental days to benefit from this rate.

"Maximum day" : Enter the maximum number of rental days to benefit from this rate.

"Week end" : Tick the duration box if the rate is to be applied for rentals starting on Saturday or Sunday.

"Unlimited" : Check the duration box if the fare has an unlimited number of kilometers.

"Km included" : Enter the number of kilometers included in the rental.

"Type km included" : Select the type of kilometer application, "day" or "flat rate".

"Day" : The number of kilometers will be multiplied by the number of rental days.

"Flat rate" : The number of kilometers is a flat rate for the entire rental period.

"Included km extra day " : Enter the number of kilometers included per additional day.

"Contrat Origine" et "Invoice Origine" : Select the document origin to be used for printing.

"Client" : Select this criterion to use the document specified in the customer file (see corresponding documentation).

"Model" : Select this criterion to print the basic template.

"Vehicle type" : Select this criterion to use the document specified when setting up the vehicle type (see corresponding documentation).

"Manuel selection" : Select this criterion for the agent to choose its template when printing the document.

"Contrat Model" et "Invoice Model" : Depending on your settings, you may have several document templates. If this is the case, select the document template to be printed for this duration.

"Start" and " End" : Enter or select the duration start/end date. These fields are for information only.

The grid shows columns for each selected duration. In this way, the durations selected on the previous screenshot appear as columns on the tariff grid.

Once the columns are displayed, enter the tariff immediately, even at 0 at first, and save regularly.

In fact, if a column does not have a tariff when you leave this page, it will be deleted automatically so as not to overload the tariff grid.

Tariff price

It is possible to enter prices common to all tariffs, regardless of duration and category. To do this, click on . This action brings up a window displaying a default, empty schedule of services. 

As when entering prices for a category/duration, the buttons below the table can be used to manage the services in the grid (add, modify, delete).

Click on to add one of the pre-set services, and enter information as required.

In the screenshot above, the example shows services whose price does not vary according to category or duration.

Once you've entered the rate prices, save the rate and continue editing if necessary.

Category price

MyRentCar allows you to enter services with a common category price, regardless of the rental duration.

To do this, click on the button in the box at the intersection of the desired category and the "Category price" column. This will bring up the window for managing prices common to the chosen category.

Capture gestion avancée des tarifs EN 1

In the screenshot above, the shaded benefit lines correspond to the two benefits added when managing Tariff Prices, which cannot be modified here.

Once the required services have been added, the rates appear on the grid in the corresponding column. 

Capture gestion avancée des tarifs EN 2

If the prices are not displayed, check that the services are selected and update the grid display by clicking on .

Once the category prices have been entered, save the tariff and continue entering the remaining prices.