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Coverage contract in myrentcar

Find out how to manage coverage contracts in myrentcar.

Your myrentcar car rental system can be used to create Coverage contracts using data from a customer and an assistance company. These files can be double-billed according to the coverage data. 

Please note that this function is available for short-term files such as quotations, reservations and short-term contracts.

To create short-term contract (ST) files with coverage, you will need to set up administrator rights (see the corresponding section in this documentation).

The purpose of this documentation is to explain the particularities of short-term (ST)files with Coverage. To understand the basics of the ST Contract, see the corresponding documentation.

Coverage management in the myrentcar frontend

On receipt of a Coverage file, the assistance company indicates a number of details which enable the contract to be created and which must appear on the contract.

Create a ST folder witch coverage

The procedure for creating a file with coverage is similar to that for creating a file without coverage.

The file can be created via the schedule or via one of the creation buttons in the file module.

To assign a file to the Coverage, follow these steps:

1- Enter the dossier file

2- Enter coverage information

Enter the coverage data in the coverage tab of the case file..

" National agreement coverage" : Select the agreement based on the file received from the assistance company.

"Agreement" : Enter the file number of the assistance/assistance company.

"Category coverage" : Select the category of vehicle covered by the assistance company.

"Duration coverage" : Select duration of care, value is in days.

"Extra Km coverage" : Enter the number of additional kilometers covered by the assistance company.

"Fuel coverage" : Indicate whether fuel is paid for by the assistance company. If not, leave the field blank so that fuel is billed to the customer.

Continue entering information:

VEHICLE: Check that the vehicle category corresponds to the category covered.

- CUSTOMER & DRIVERS: Select or create the Coverage customer/driver

3- Tariff and coverage entry

In the "Coverage tariff » tab, the rate previously linked to the agreement is automatically filled in according to the vehicle category and the duration of pick-up.

It is possible to modify the price if required. However, if the agreement is set up correctly, no changes need to be made.

"Base tariff" : If required, select the rate to apply to the assistance company.

"Price category" : If necessary, select the category of vehicle to be supported.

"Price duration" : If necessary, select the duration according to the duration supported.

"Base day" : If necessary, indicate the number of days for which the care was invoiced.

"Discount" : If required, enter the discount percentage to be applied to the rate.

Continue contract entry with :

  • RATE: Check the rate to be applied to the customer in the event of additional services not covered,
  • End: Enter the credentials of the user creating the document.

Finish entering the contract and save the document by clicking on the button.

When the contract or file is registered, the "Contract total" section of the header shows the total for the Prise En Charge organization and for the beneficiary customer.

In this case, the assistance company takes charge of the entire rental and the beneficiary customer has nothing to pay.

Extending the lease term

As with any other contract, it is possible to modify the rental period. However, in the case of Coverage files, the extra days will be billed either to the assistance organization or to the beneficiary customer.

This section explains how to carry out the extension, depending on the origin of the request.

Extension by the assistance company

If the Prise En Charge organization asks you to extend the rental period, you need to modify the contract.

To do this, go to the "Coverage" tab and increase the duration of the rental.

Then go to the "DEPARTURE_RETURN" tab and change the planned return date.

The tariff is automatically calculated and updated on the "Coverage" tab in the "Total contract" section.

Customer extension

If the customer requests to extend the rental period, the additional time must be paid for by the beneficiary customer.

To increase the duration and calculate the rate due by the beneficiary customer, go to the "DEPARTURE_RETURN" tab and change the scheduled return date only.

MyRentcar will automatically calculate the total to be invoiced based on the number of days added and the customer rate selected when the contract was created.

This total is available in the "Contract total" block of the contract header.

Invoicing a contract witch coverage

To invoice a contract with Coverage, as for a contract without Coverage, enter the actual return data. This data is used to calculate the amounts owed by each customer: the assistance company and the beneficiary customer.

Certain services may be added to the contract. These are generally at the customer's expense, such as fuel, additional kilometers or vehicle cleaning.

Check the rates and services to be included in the contract. Make any necessary changes.

Then click on the billing button in the action bar at the bottom of the screen.

Please note: Once the invoice has been issued, it is impossible to modify the contract information. It is therefore important to check the entire contract before confirming the invoice.

Without customer billing

If the beneficiary customer has nothing to pay, the software will issue a single invoice in the name of the assistance company.

This will be accessible in the Short-Term Invoices module.

With customer billing

If the beneficiary customer has to pay extra, for example for fuel, MyRentcar will issue two invoices.


In the contract used above, the duration of responsibility is five days. On the return journey, the customer returns the vehicle on time, but without having refueled it.

In this case, there will be two invoices:

  • The invoice for the insurance will take into account the 5 days of rental at the coverage rate previously entered,
  • The invoice for the beneficiary customer will take into account the fuel according to the vehicle's tank capacity and the fuel price entered.

When invoicing twice, myrentcar presents a PDF containing both invoices. Once validated, the invoice has two numbers, corresponding to the invoice numbers of each customer:

To download or print one of the two invoices, click on . Myrentcar will then prompt you to select the desired invoice. This choice is also available when sending by e-mail.

Payment management

The "Payment" tab is used to manage payments. Under a coverage contract, two accounts are involved in invoicing: the assistance company and the beneficiary customer.

It is therefore necessary to specify the origin of the payment when entering it.

To do this, add the payment and select the required customer in the last column of the payment grid.

Check that the payment amount corresponds to the total for the selected customer (beneficiary or Coverage customer).

Please note: As elsewhere in myrentcar, once you've saved, an accounting entry will be created for each "Payments" line added. It will then be impossible to delete this payment.

Setting up the tariff agreement in the Windows backoffice

To make these settings, you need administrator rights and Backoffice installed on a workstation.

To create a coveragetariff agreement, you must first :

  • Create a customer file (as for a Company)
  • Create a negotiated coverage rate schedule

After performing these two operations, open the Backoffice, pull down the "Third Party Reference Data" menu and click on "Tariff agreements".

This interface shows the list of tariff agreements available in your database. To assign an agreement to a coverage, click on the box in the "Coverage" column.

Once done, the agreements will be displayed among the values to be selected when adding a coverage for a ST file.

To manage the tariff agreement grid, use the buttons below the grid (see yellow box above).

"Intitulé" : Enter tariff agreement title.

"Compte" : Select your customer account.

"Prise en Charge" : Check the box to make the agreement available on coverage files If the tariff agreement does not concern coverage, uncheck the box.

"Tariff" : Select the tariff previously set.

"Pec Impression Contrat" : Select contract recipient when printing.

"Client conducteur" : The contract will be printed with the driver's data.

"Prise en Charge" : The contract will be printed with the price list and coverage contact details.

"Actif" : Check the box to make this agreement available. If the tariff agreement is broken, uncheck this box.