Create an agency in myrentcar

Find out how to set up and create an agency in myrentcar.

To create an agency in your myrentcar car rental management system, go to the "Backoffice" and in the "Agencies" menu, click on the "Create agency" submenu.

 And this interface appears.

Note that it is also possible to create an agency on the same page as an existing one, by clicking on the option button .

MyrentCar first asks you to enter the agency code, which is mandatory. This code is used to identify each agency.

Then you can move on to the next step, but first you need to fill in the mandatory fields on the header.

  • The "Code" field is the agency code, which can only be modified by the administrator.
  • The "Name" field is the agency name.
  • The "Type" field is the type of agency, i.e. internal, external or closed.

Once you've filled out the form, you can add the details of your particular agency using the various tabs.

Settings tab

This tab is used to add the accounting model to the "Agency accounting model" block.

Click to select one . Note that templates are created in the manually installed backoffice.

It is in the "General" block that you can customize each agency.

  • Automatic numbering: if this is ticked, it means that document numbers will be generated automatically. Otherwise, document numbers will be empty, and you'll have to enter them by hand. Numbers can be customized in the "Numbers" tab.
  • Validation before editing: When creating an invoice, miscellaneous sales order or ST contract, if this box is unchecked, there will be a preview of the invoice, which you can always cancel or validate. If checked, the invoice will be validated directly, with no possibility of going back.
  • Visible web: allows you to customize the display on the Internet.
  • Color: allows you to choose a color for the agency. This is useful when handling tracking to distinguish operations by agency.
  • Accounting model: allows you to choose the accounting models to be added.
  • Company: allows you to assign the agency to its company. If the database contains only one company, it will automatically be displayed in this box.
  • Customer root: used to differentiate customers by agency. The value entered will be visible on each customer's account number.

The "Labels" block lets you add all the agency's details, such as email address, telephone number...

Complement tab

This tab contains two blocks. As the name suggests, it allows you to add additional information about the agency.

The first block lets you add details of the agency's address, telephone number, e-mail address and much more.

The second block can be used to add or delete photos of the agency.

Numbers tab

This tab allows you to customize document numbers (invoices, quotes, purchase orders, etc.) for a particular agency.

During creation, you can indicate the first number to be assigned to each document. Each "Counter" field corresponds to each document.

Once the numbers have been added, they will be automatically incremented in relation to the number of vouchers created (if the "Automatic numbering" box is checked in the "Settings" tab).

To modify them, click on the .

Payments tab

In this tab, you can add the list of payment methods that will be used for the particular agency.

The three buttons below are used to add, delete and validate a payment method.

Notes tab

As with the rest of the software, this area can be used to enter special annotations.

Description tab

This tab lets you add a description to the agency.

Images tab

It allows you to add images related to the agency.

Web categories tab

It allows you to define which categories can be rented via web reservations.

Schedules tab

It is used to indicate the agency's opening hours.

Once you have provided the necessary information to the agency, all you have to do is save it.

To do this, click on .

The agency created will appear in the list of agencies available in the database.