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Invoice in myrentcar

Find out how to manage an invoice and your billing in myrentcar.

The invoice is presented in the same way as a contract, except that no modifications are possible (fields are grayed out and cannot be accessed). The remainder of this documentation explains the actions still possible on the Invoice.

To access an invoice, click on the corresponding result line in your myrentcar vehicle rental management software.

Payments tab

This tab is used to manage invoice payment. If the invoice is issued without payment or with partial payment, it is possible to add payment of the balance on this tab.

capture facture myrentcar en 1

As elsewhere on myrentcar, settlements are managed using the action buttons below the grid. When you hover over the buttons, an indication of the action appears.

: This button is used to add a new payment.

: This button is used to modify the selected line (also possible by double-clicking on the required field).

: This button is used to confirm that the payment or modification has been saved.

: This button is used to cancel the current addition or modification.

: This button deletes the selected line.

Warning : as with the contract, once the invoice has been saved, an accounting entry will be created for each "Settlement" line added, and not for "Guarantee" settlements. It will then be impossible to delete a settlement, as the corresponding line will be grayed out (see screenshot above).

"Type Payment ": Select the type of payment according to your needs.

"Payment mode": Select the payment mode used. These modes can be configured in the Backoffice.

"Name": The payment method is automatically entered in the label. To customize the label, modify it according to your needs.

"Amount": Enter the payment amount.

"Date" and "Due date": The current date is automatically entered in these two fields. These dates can be modified if required.

"Agency" and "Agent": These fields are automatically filled with the name of the selected agency and the name of the user agent. They can be modified.

"Customer": The customer's name will be automatically entered on each new payment line.

Link other documents

Even if the contract has been invoiced and no longer exists, it is possible to link additional documents, automatically incorporating contract, customer and vehicle data. These documents can be used to invoice options or unexpected invoices (parking tickets, exterior and/or interior cleaning, etc.).

On the "VEHICLE" tab :

: This button is used to create a claim made during the vehicle rental period.

On the " TARIFF " tab :

  : This button is used to create a Diverse Sales Order to add additional services.

: This button is used to create a diversified sales order to add additional services.

If an error is detected on the invoice, you will need to create a credit note and re-invoice. Please refer to the corresponding documentation.