List of orders in myrentcar

Find out how to manage your vehicle order list in myrentcar.

With vehicle order management, you can enter your orders, view all information relating to ordered vehicles, order status, modify one or more ordered vehicles, send an order by email, etc.

The order list screen gives you a quick overview of all your company's orders in your myrentcar vehicle rental software.

When accessing this screen, the table appears empty by default, with the message "No data to display". To display orders, you need to perform a search.

Display all orders

To display the list of vehicles, click on the button.

capture liste commande myrentcar EN 1

Search for one or more orders

To display specific orders, type the search term in the field provided, then click on the button.

This search targets the terms contained in the search field and displays results if that term appears in a column, regardless of the column or the term's place in the data.

For example, it is possible to display the list of orders containing " HP " in particular by typing this term.

capture liste commande myrentcar EN 2

Search by type and status

Use this option to filter short and long orders.

  • Short Term:

Use this option to filter only short duration orders.

  • Long Term:

Use this option to filter only long duration orders.

  • Status:

You can use different order statuses to filter the list of orders:

Initiated: The first stage of an order. The order has been initiated but not yet validated.

Validated: The order has been validated.

Sent: The order has been sent to the supplier.

Cancelled: The order has been cancelled.

Partially delivered: The order has been partially delivered. Some vehicles belonging to this order have not yet been delivered.

Delivered: The order has been delivered in full. 

Sort order list

You can change the way the list is displayed by sorting the table by column. To do this, once the column has been selected, click on its header to sort upwards, and click again on the header to sort downwards. An arrow will show the sorting applied.

Export order list

Once the table has been formatted, you can export the order list as a spreadsheet by clicking on the button.


Protocols are agreements between your company and a supplier.

You can create and consult protocols in the back office ("Protocols" screen).

To search for existing protocols, click on .

To create a new protocol, click on .

Create a new agreement

Once you've clicked on , the agreement form will open.

Mandatory information is marked with a red asterisk.

Number: The number linked to this agreement.

Make: The brand linked to this agreement. For example, Peugeot.

Start date: The start date of this agreement.

Notes tab

Here you can add protocol information, such as agreed prices or discounts.

Documents tab

On this tab, you can view, add or delete documents linked to the protocol.

To add a document, drag and drop the file into the box provided, or select the file on your workstation using the button.

To manage a document, use the action buttons at the end of the document line.

This button downloads the document for viewing.

This button allows you to import the document into myrentcar.

This button cancels the import of the document into myrentcar.

  This button deletes the document.

Warning: If the document does not save, check :

  • Document size (it must not exceed 2MB or Mb).
  • Document name (the name should not be too long; rename the document if necessary and repeat the operation).

Orders tab

Here you'll find the commands on which this protocol has been selected.

When accessing this screen, the table appears empty by default, with the message "No data to display". To display the commands, you need to perform a search.

Click on to search for commands related to this protocol.

Once you've created a command using this protocol, it will appear here. You can click on the line of the command you wish to view, then click on . You will then be redirected to the command.

Create a new order

 You can create a new order by clicking on the button.