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List of reservations in myrentcar

Find out how to manage your reservation list for short term rentals in myrentcar.

In your myrentcar car rental solution, you can make reservations for Short-Term rentals. These reservations can then be transformed into a contract.

The aim of this documentation is to explain the basic management of a reservation: creation, consultation, transformation, etc.

The reservation list screen provides a quick overview of all the agency's reservations.

When accessing this screen, the table appears empty by default, with the message "No data to display". To display reservations, you need to perform a search.

Search by reservation type

The first limit frame allows you to target reservations according to their type, which corresponds to the status of the reservation you're looking for.

Reservation type is mandatory to display results. By default, the "In progress" type will be selected.

"All" : Select to display all reservations that have been created.

"On-going" : Select to display reservations that have not been transformed into a contract.

"Cancelled" : Select to display only reservations that have been cancelled.

Search for one or more reservations using a criterion

The search can be narrowed down by entering a criterion in the field provided, then clicking on the .

This search targets the terms contained in the search field and displays the results if that term appears, regardless of the term's place in the data.

If there is only one search result, myrencCar will open the corresponding reservation directly.

For example, you can filter the list of reservations according to a particular criterion, such as vehicle number.

In the case of a search on 1 or 2 letters or numbers, the results containing this criterion may be numerous. This may not be precise enough, in which case the search needs to be better defined or the reservation needs to be found on another results page.

Search for reservations by date

When managing bookings, it can be useful to search by rental time criteria. For this purpose, two boxes allow you to search for reservations by targeting a period or a departure and/or return date.


As elsewhere in myrentcar, selecting a period will automatically fill in the dates according to the current date.

Sort reservation list

As elsewhere in myrentcar, you can change the way the list is displayed by sorting the table by column. To do this, once the column has been selected, click on its header to sort upwards, and click again on the header to sort downwards. An arrow will show the sorting applied.

Export reservation list

Once the table has been formatted, the reservation list can be exported as a spreadsheet by clicking on the button .

Create a new short term reservation

Myrentcar offers several options for creating a Short-Term reservation:

  • Or from the schedule.
  • Or from this list by clicking on the .
    • From an existing quote (using the action buttons).
    • Or from an existing reservation (using the action buttons).

Whichever method you choose, myrentcar opens a new file for the reservation to be added and guides the user through the various tabs (as for creating a quote).

To enter the information required to add a reservation, fill in the fields according to need (mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk).

As the customer is mandatory, it is possible to add a new customer from the reservation creation stage. To do so, go to the "Customer" tab, click on and enter the required information.

Use the action buttons below the frames to navigate through the various tabs (Previous and Next buttons) and to finalize the addition (Cancel or Finish buttons).

The display of the reservation during creation differs from the display of a validated reservation. The latter has additional tabs for adding details. All information entered during creation can be consulted and modified once the reservation has been saved.