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Miscellaneous sales vouchers in myrentcar

Find out how to manage miscellaneous sales vouchers in myrentcar.

A Miscellaneous Sales voucher can be accessed by clicking on one of the results in the list or by searching for a specific voucher in your myrentcar fleet management software.

Once on the voucher, an action banner will appear at the bottom of the page.

This button is used to save changes made to a Miscellaneous Sales Order.

This button returns you to the Miscellaneous sales orders list.

This button is used to create a new Miscellaneous Sales Order.

This button is used to print a Miscellaneous Sales Order by selecting a pre-set template. If there is only one template for miscellaneous sales slips, it will be opened automatically.

This button is used to delete the miscellaneous sales order viewed.

This button is used to send the Miscellaneous Sales Order by e-mail.

This button is used to invoice the consulted miscellaneous sales order.

As the mouse hovers over the icons, a description of the action quickly appears.

General information

The initial information required to validate a Miscellaneous Sales order is identical for internal and external purchases.

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"Short-term contract": This is where short-term contract numbers appear if they are linked to the Miscellaneous Sales order. This field is automatically filled in when the contracts are created.

If the voucher is created by the Diverse Sales functions, it is possible to search and select contracts by clicking on . Once the contract has been selected, the customer and vehicle information will be automatically transferred to the Sundry Sales voucher.

"Excl. VAT Total" and "Incl. VAT Total": These fields are automatically filled in according to the details entered (if the order concerns several items, these totals are calculated).

"Client": This field is mandatory, and is used to select the customer for the Miscellaneous Sales order.

To access the customer list, click on . A window will then open, allowing you to search and select a customer for this voucher.

: This button lets you quickly create a new customer record.

"Name": Depending on the customer selected, the customer's title is automatically entered. You can modify it to personalize it according to your needs. The modification will be effective only on this voucher.

"Reference Order": This field is used to enter the number of a purchase order if required.

"Original quotation": This field is automatically filled in if the voucher is the result of the transformation of an estimate.

"Vehicle": This field is used to view or modify the vehicle on the Miscellaneous Sales Order.

To access the list of vehicles, click on . A window will then open, allowing you to search for and select a vehicle for this voucher.

"Registration": Depending on the vehicle selected, the vehicle registration will be entered automatically. This field cannot be modified.

"Agency": This field is filled in automatically depending on the agency selected when you logged in. It is possible to create Miscellaneous Sales Vouchers for other agencies, in which case select the required agency from the list.

"Original invoice": This field is automatically filled in if the Miscellaneous Sales order is a credit note made from a Miscellaneous Sales invoice.

"Desk Agent": Enter the password of the user creating the Miscellaneous Sales order here. If the voucher is created by another user, you can enter the user's ID and password by clicking on .

Client tab

This tab shows the information for the customer selected in the general information header. The two tabs correspond to the tabs in the customer master record.

Account sub-tab

The information presented on this sub-tab corresponds to the information on the Contact Details tab, as well as some information linked to the Accounts tab of the customer file (see the corresponding documentation).

Complement sub-tab

The information presented in this section corresponds to the information in the tab of the same name on the customer file (see corresponding documentation).

 Warning : Any changes made to the Customer tab apply only to the document being created/modified. To update the customer record, click on .

Vehicle tab

This box displays the information for the vehicle selected in the general information header. It is possible to sell services that are not linked to a contract or a vehicle.

For example, a customer may request a car wash service for their own car. In this case, no vehicle will be selected and the tab will be empty. 

If a vehicle is selected, the basic information and Vehicle Open Questions will be presented on this tab.

Details tab

This section is important because it allows you to specify the services and their prices. The lines will be numbered in order of creation.

To manage these operations, use the action buttons below the services table

As elsewhere in myrentcar, an indication of the action appears when the mouse is hovered over it.

: This button is used to add a new service.

: This button is used to modify the selected line (this can also be done by double-clicking on the required field).

: This button is used to confirm that the line or modification has been saved.

: This button is used to cancel the current modification or addition.

: This button is used to delete the selected line.

: This button is used to duplicate the element on the last line.

When adding a service, fill in the various fields in the service line.

"Service": Select the service you require. These services can be configured in the Backoffice.

"Name": This field is automatically filled in once the type of operation has been selected, but can be changed if required.

"Quantity": Enter the quantity of services of the same type. For example, for a labour operation, enter the number of hours.

"Excl. VAT Price" and "Incl. VAT Price": Enter an amount excluding VAT or including VAT and the second will be calculated automatically. Enter the unit price of an operation and the total price will be automatically calculated according to the quantity.

"VAT": Depending on the VAT settings in the Backoffice, this field will be automatically filled in with the VAT percentage for the service.

Below the services grid are the fields relating to fuel invoicing. If these fields are filled in, the total will be updated and a fuel invoice line will appear on the voucher when it is printed.

"Fuel": Select the fuel you want. The different fuels can be configured in the Backoffice.

"No. fuel litres" : Enter the number of litres of fuel to be invoiced.

"Price litre fuel": This field is automatically filled in according to the price previously set. If no price is set for this fuel, enter the required price.

"Total fuel price": This field is automatically calculated based on the previous information.

Notes tab

As throughout the software, this area allows you to enter special notes. These notes are free and can be printed on the sales slip.

Payments tab

This tab is used to manage payments linked to the Miscellaneous Sales order displayed.

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As with the Details tab, payments are managed using the action buttons below the payment table. The actions are the same, and are displayed when the buttons are hovered over.

"Type Payment": Select the type of payment according to your needs.

"Payment mode": Select the payment mode used. These modes can be configured in the Backoffice.

"Name: The payment method is automatically entered in the label. To customize the label, modify it according to your needs.

"Amount": Enter the payment amount.

"Date" and "Due date": The working date is automatically entered in these two fields. These dates can be modified if required.

"Agency" and "Agent": These fields are automatically filled with the name of the selected agency and the name of the user agent. It is possible to modify them.

"Client": The customer's name will be entered according to the selected customer.

To invoice Miscellaneous Sales orders, see the corresponding documentation