Purchase voucher in myrentcar

Find out how to manage your purchase vouchers in myrentcar

A voucher can be accessed by clicking on one of the results in the shopping list or by searching for a specific voucher in your myrentcar car rental management app.

Once on the voucher, an action banner will appear at the bottom of the page.

This button is used to save changes made to a voucher.

This button takes you back to the voucher list..

Use this button to create a new voucher.

This button is used to print a voucher by selecting a default template or a template previously set up. If only one voucher template exists, it will automatically be opened.

This button sends the voucher by e-mail.

This button is used to create a new voucher by duplicating the one currently being viewed. A window allows you to select the number of copies, the user and the reference date.

This button is used to delete the voucher viewed..

When the mouse hovers over the icons, a description of the action quickly appears.

General information

The initial information required to validate a purchase order is identical for internal and external purchases.

"Number" : This is where the voucher number appears; it is assigned automatically when the voucher is created..

"Origin date" : This date is automatically initialized with the current date. It is possible to enter another date.

"Origin PR" et "Estimation" : If the voucher is created from a purchase order, the latter's number and estimated cost (if entered) will be automatically added.

"Purchase type" : Select a purchase type from the list previously set up in the Backoffice. These types have an accounting impact (each type can be entered in a specific journal) and a statistical impact.

"Purchase name" : Depending on the type of purchase selected, a label is automatically entered. This can be modified to suit your needs.

"Excl.VAT total" et "Incl.VAT total" : These fields are automatically filled in according to the details entered (if the voucher concerns several items, these totals are calculated)

"Agency" : This field is automatically filled in according to the agency selected at login. It is possible to create vouchers for other agencies. In this case, select the desired agency.

 "User" : Enter the password of the user creating the voucher here. If the voucher is created by another user, you can enter the latter's login and password.

External purchase order accounting tab

In the case of an External purcahse voucher only, the box below must be filled in.

"Supplier" : Enter the supplier code here or search by clicking on .

"Name" : This field cannot be modified. It will be updated automatically when a supplier is selected.

"Accounting model" : By default, the agency model is proposed. It is possible to select one of the accounting models from the list. This list can be configured in the Backoffice.

"Accounting" : This field is used to specify whether the voucher is to be converted into an accounting entry on transfer.

  • "No" : Select this criterion to disregard this voucher for accounting purposes.
  • "To be accounted" : Select this criterion to propose this voucher for the next accounting transfer (see corresponding documentation).

When consulting a voucher already taken into account by the accounting transfer, this field will be inaccessible and set to "Accounted for".

"Accounting date" : Enter supplier invoice date.

"Accounting name" : Enter the accounting name of the supplier invoice here.

"Invoice number" : Enter supplier invoice number. 

: this button is used to create a new supplier.

Document tab

This box is used to link documents, mainly for rebilling purposes. It allows you to link a document entered in myrentcar to an internal or external purchase order.

To find the document you are looking for, click on (see corresponding documentation).

"Reinvoice" : If necessary, select the entity to be rebilled from the list. Otherwise leave on "No ".

"Reinvoicing name" : Enter the wording to be used for re-invoicing.

Details tab

This part is important because it allows you to specify the purpose of the orders. Lines are numbered in order of creation.

To manage these operations, use the action buttons below the operations table.

As elsewhere in myrentcar, an indication of the action appears on mouseover.

: This button is used to add a new operation.

: This button is used to modify the selected line (also possible by double-clicking on the required field).

: This button validates the recording of the line or modification.

: This button is used to cancel current modifications or additions.

: This button deletes the selected line.

: This button duplicates the last line

: This button opens the vehicle file in a new browser tab.

: This button opens the vehicle's long-term file in a new browser tab.

: This button is used to manually link the voucher to a previous LT contract for the vehicle.

: This button is accessible only if an operation triggers a budget alert. The line will be colored according to the type of alert, and the button will be accessible. Clicking on the button will open a window for viewing the alert, and then for viewing the budgeted LT file.

Budget alerts must first be configured in the Backoffice. To manage budgets for Long-Term files, please refer to the corresponding documentation.

"Operation" : Select the type of operation required. These operations can be configured in the Backoffice.

"Name" : This field is automatically filled in after selecting the type of operation, but can be modified if required.

"Quantity" : Enter the number of operations of the same type. For example, for a labor operation, enter the number of hours.

"Excl.VAT" and "INcl.VAT" : Enter an amount before or after tax, and the latter will be automatically calculated. Enter the unit price of an operation, and the total price will be automatically calculated according to the quantity.

"Discount" : Enter discount percentage. 

"Vehicle" : Enter the vehicle's license plate or search for a vehicle in the list by clicking on .

"Mileage" : This field will be automatically filled with the last mileage known to MyRentCar for the selected vehicle.

"Accounting" : Select another accounting template if required. By default, the agency model is proposed.

"VAT" : Depending on the VAT settings in the Backoffice, this field will be automatically filled in with the agency's VAT percentage.

Notes tab

As with all software, this area allows you to enter special notes. These notes are free, and will be printed in the "Additional information" section when the voucher is printed.

Documents tab

This is where you can consult, add or delete documents linked to a purchase, such as a supplier's invoice in the case of an external purchase.

To add a document, drag and drop the file into the box provided, or select the file on your workstation using the image-png-Feb-27-2024-04-20-49-2785-PM.

To manage a document, use the action buttons at the end of the document line.

This button imports the document into myrentcar.

This button cancels the import of the document into myrentcar.

This button deletes the document.

Warning: If the document does not save, check :

  • Document size (it must not exceed 2MB or Mb).
  • Document name (the name must not be too long; rename the document if necessary and repeat the operation).

External purchase orders payment tab

This tab is used to manage payments linked to the voucher displayed. If the voucher is to be booked, an accounting entry will be created for each payment entered during the accounting transfer.

As with the Details tab, payments are managed using the action buttons below the payment table. The actions are the same, and are displayed when the buttons are hovered over.

"Type payment" : Select the type of payment according to your needs

"Payment mode" : Select the payment method used. These methods can be configured in the Backoffice.

"Name" : The payment method is automatically included in the wording. To customize the wording, modify it according to your needs.

"Amount" : Enter payment amount. 

"Date" and " Due Date" : The current date is automatically entered in these two fields. If required, these dates can be modified. 

"Agency" et "Agent" : These fields are automatically filled with the name of the selected agency and the name of the user agent. It is possible to modify them.

"Client" : The supplier's name will be taken from the data in the Accounting frame.