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Reservations in myrentcar

Find out how to manage your short term rental reservations and bookings in myrentcar

A reservation can be accessed by clicking on one of the results in the list, or by searching for a specific reservation, using the reservation number search in your myrentcar car rental system.

Once on the reservation, an action banner appears at the bottom of the page. When the mouse hovers over the icons, the action description quickly appears.

This button is used to save changes made to the reservation.

This button takes you back to the reservation list.

Use this button to create a new reservation.

This button is used to print the reservation, while a preview window allows you to check the document.

This button sends the reservation by e-mail to the customer.

This button is used to transform a reservation into a document (short term contract or short term rental) or to duplicate the reservation.

Please note: It is not possible to cancel a reservation. To cancel a reservation, see the procedure in the "Departure" section of this documentation.

Header: reservation details and total

The header is divided into two frames containing basic information. It will be visible whatever tab is selected.

As in the case of quotations, the first "Details" box shows the main booking information. At a glance, it shows the customer and the vehicle or vehicle category, as well as the accounting model used.

"Customer" : This field is used to view or modify the reservation customer. To modify the reservation customer, click on . A window will then open, allowing you to search for and select a customer for this reservation. Once the customer has been selected, click on the field name to open the customer file in a new browser tab

"Name" : Once the customer has been selected, this field is automatically filled in with the customer's name. This field can be modified as required.

"Odrer reference" : If necessary, enter the order number linked to the reservation.

"Vehicle" : As for the customer, this field is used to view or modify the vehicle selected when the reservation was created.

To select another vehicle, click on and search for a vehicle, narrowing the search if necessary. To do this, enter a criterion (make, fleet number, registration number, etc.) or use the suggested filters (availability, location, category) and click on . Finally, select the vehicle you require.

If myrentcar displays an error message (vehicle used on a contract with no return or blocking alert), check the document or alert type for the selected vehicle.

Once the vehicle has been selected, click on the field name to open the vehicle file in a new browser tab

"Categorie" : Select one of the pre-set categories. If a vehicle is selected, this field is automatically filled in.

"Vehicle type" : This field will be automatically filled in if the category or vehicle is indicated.

"Registration" : Once the vehicle has been selected, this field will be automatically filled in with the vehicle's registration number.

"Make type" : This field will be automatically filled in if the vehicle is indicated.

"Accounting model" : Select the desired model. This field is filled in by default with the model of the connected agency, depending on the previous settings.

The second frame of the header, "Total booking", shows the essential booking data, such as agency name, document number and sum of services booked.

The first line of information in this frame contains, in the top left-hand corner, the name of the agency in which the reservation was made. 

"Number" : The reservation number is automatically entered. It is also recalled in the screen title.

"Reservation origin" : This number is automatically filled in if the reservation is the result of the transformation of another document.

: This button is for information only. If the reservation concerns a renewal of a Short Term contract, please indicate this information by clicking on this button.

The second line concerns pricing information and is divided into two tabs: for the customer and for the coverage. Each tab contains the following information:

"Name" : These fields are automatically filled in, depending on the tab selected, with the customer's name or the coverage organization's name, and can be modified if required.

"Excl. VAT Total" and "Incl. VAT total" : These fields are automatically calculated according to the rate and services selected when the reservation is created.

"Customer amount due" and "Amount due coverage" : These fields cannot be modified. These fields will be automatically updated according to the regulations entered on the corresponding tab.

Departure tab (dates)

This tab groups the dates used to manage the reservation. 

On creation, this tab is called "Dates" and is used to enter time information as well as coverage information.

"Departure date time" : Enter the desired start date or use the calendar to select a start date. Change time if required.

"Departure Agency" : Select the departure agency from the list of pre-set agencies. 

" Departure information" : If necessary, add a detail to be taken into account for the start.

"Estimated mileage: If necessary, enter the number of kilometers to be covered during the rental period.

"Planned return date time" : Enter the planned return date or use the calendar to select a planned return date. Specify time if necessary

" Planned return Agency" : Select the intended return agency from the list of pre-set agencies.

" Planned return Informations" : If necessary, add a detail to be taken into account for the return.

"Departure user" : Enter the password of the connected agent, or click to enter the login details of the agent entering the reservation on another agent's session.

"Cancellation Date" : This field cannot be modified; it will be automatically filled in with the current date at the time of cancellation.

"Concellation reason " : This field cannot be modified; it will be automatically filled with the reason entered at the time of cancellation.

  : This button cancels the reservation. This action opens a window in which you can enter the reason for the cancellation.

Once cancelled, it is possible to retrieve the reservation from the list (see above to search for reservations by type or document number) and report on cancelled reservations. However, it is not possible to modify or transform a cancelled reservation.

Vehicle tab

This tab provides additional information about the vehicle, if selected. This tab is the same when creating and consulting a reservation.

Any modification at this level will be valid only for this file.

The first frame shows additional basic information about the selected vehicle.

"Reference LT contract" : If necessary, add the Short Term Rental to be linked in order to transform the reservation into an "Other Contract". This field is for information only.

"Owning afency" : This field is automatically filled in with the name of the agency that owns the selected vehicle.

 "Fuel" : This field is automatically filled with the fuel type selected for the chosen vehicle.

"Vehicle status" : This field is automatically filled in with the last status entered manually on the selected vehicle's master record.

The second frame contains the "Free questions" of the vehicle file. If the vehicle is indicated on the reservation, the fields will be automatically filled in.

Client tab

This tab allows you to view, modify or specify the customer information selected when creating the reservation.

The information in the first "Account" tab corresponds to the "Contact details" tab in the customer file (see Customer Documentation for more details).

: This button is used to quickly create a new customer file. 

  : This button is used to update the customer file with the data entered on the reservation.

On the "Complement" tab, the "Free questions" information in the customer file is automatically filled in.

Driver tab

This tab is only available when consulting the reservation. It is used to inform the driver of the vehicle during the rental period. As with the quote, this information is not compulsory on the reservation, and is therefore indicative and optional.

To add a driver already created on a customer file, click on .

This opens a search window. Enter the driver's name or customer code in the search field, then click on the button.

Select the driver from the list to add him/her to the reservation.

If the driver you are looking for is not found, myrentcar will offer to create a new driver for the selected customer.

If the customer file is created at the same time as the reservation, it is possible to copy the customer information to create and enter the driver on this contract. To do this, click on the .

Coverage tab and coverage tariff

These tabs can be used to specify the details of the Coverage if required.

Tariff tab

This tab allows you to manage the rate applied and the services linked to the rental.

"Base tariff" : Select one of the tariffs previously set for your profile.

: This button updates the fare according to the criteria selected in the reservation. MyRentCar will automatically search for the best applicable rate.

"Price category" : Select fare category according to vehicle category. This field is automatically filled in when the tariff is selected.

"Price Duration" : This field is automatically filled in with the rate duration based on the rental duration and the selected rate.

"Discount" : If required, enter a discount percentage to be applied. The rate will be automatically calculated and totals updated.

"Ajust Km Included" : If required, enter the number of Km to be added to the total Km included. This number of Km will not be invoiced.

"Base days" : This field is automatically calculated based on departure and return dates. It corresponds to the rental duration.

"Extra days" : If necessary, enter the number of additional days to be billed.

"Km invoice" : If necessary, enter the number of additional kilometers to be billed at the corresponding price.

 "Hours" : If required, enter the number of hours of overtime to be billed at the corresponding price.

"Total Km included" : This field is automatically calculated according to the fare and the number of Km to be adjusted.

The services grid allows you to select or add services to be applied to the reservation. To manage these services, use the management buttons below the grid. As elsewhere in myrentcar, an indication of the action to be taken appears on mouseover.

: This button is used to add a new service.

: This button is used to modify the selected line (also possible by double-clicking on the required field).

: This button is used to validate the recording of the service or modification.

: This button is used to cancel current modifications or additions.

: This button deletes the selected line.

: This button duplicates the last line added.

To enter the various fields available, choose a value from the lists previously set up in the Backoffice or enter the necessary fields. 

A service line is applied to the reservation when the box in the "Subscription" column is checked.

Custom fields tab

As when consulting a registered reservation, this tab allows you to enter additional information if it has already been configured.

In general, this tab is used to enter information for a 3rd driver. However, as no driver is required to validate a reservation, this tab is purely for information purposes.

Comments tab

 This tab allows you to enter a comment to appear on the reservation. When the document is printed, a "Remarks" frame will be added to show the comments entered in the free text field.

Notes tab

This tab allows you to enter internal notes in the free field. These notes are intended for members of the same company only, unlike comments, which are intended to be printed for the customer.

Depending on the screen settings, it is possible to view the presence of a note directly on the tab, which appears as follows: image-png-Feb-27-2024-04-19-24-9442-PM.

Documents tab

As elsewhere in myrentcar, you can add, view or delete documents for reservations, such as a copy of the driver's license.

To add a document, simply drag and drop the file into the box provided, or select the file on your workstation using the .

To manage a document, use the action buttons at the end of the document line.

This button downloads the document for viewing.

This button imports the document into myrentcar.

This button cancels the import of the document into myrentcar.

This button deletes the document.

Please note : If the document does not save, check :

  • Document size (it must not exceed 2 MB or Mb).
  • Document name (the name should not be too long; rename the document if necessary and repeat the operation).

Payments tab

This tab allows you to manage payments related to the reservation.

As with the Tariff tab, payments are managed using the action buttons below the payment table. The actions are the same, and are displayed when the buttons are hovered over.

Please note: Once the reservation has been saved, an accounting entry can be created for each "Payment" line, depending on the payment mode settings. For "Guarantee" lines, there will never be an associated accounting entry. It will then be impossible to delete a settlement, as the corresponding line will be grayed out (see screenshot above). To cancel an accounting entry, create a new negative line. 

"Type payment" : Select the type of payment according to your needs. 

"Payment mode" : Select the payment method used. These methods can be configured in the Backoffice.

"Name" : The payment method is automatically included in the text. To customize the text, modify it according to your needs.

"Amount" : Enter payment amount.

"Date" and "Due Date" : The current date is automatically entered in these two fields. If necessary, it is possible to modify these dates. 

"Agency" and "Agent" : These fields are automatically filled with the name of the selected agency and the name of the user agent. It is possible to modify them.

"Client" : The customer's name will be automatically transferred to each new payment line.

Depending on the warranty payment method, additional information can be entered.

"Autorisation Visa number" : If necessary, enter the direct debit authorization number.

"Validity end Date" : Enter the expiry date of this direct debit authorization or use the calendar to select this date.

Signatures tab

This tab displays the list of signatures performed on documents and sent by e-mail.