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Short term credit note management in myrentcar

Find out how to manage credit notes on short-term rental contracts from myrentcar.

Legally, it is forbidden to delete, cancel or modify an invoice. However, if the amount of an invoice is incorrect, or if a file has been invoiced by mistake, or if the agency wishes to make a commercial discount, your myrentcar car rental solution offers several ways of taking an invoice credit into account.

The aim of this documentation is to explain how credit notes are managed on short-term contracts, and to show the different ways of creating a credit note, re-invoicing a file and consulting the invoice for a credit note.

Convert an invoice into a credit note

This transformation enables the invoice information to be transferred automatically. It can be carried out from an invoice consultation or from the schedule.

From the planning

To do this, select an invoice from the schedule, then click on the button. Myrentcar then opens the credit note file, which you need to check. This allows you to make any necessary changes, validate and invoice the document.

Once the credit note has been validated and invoiced, both invoices appear on the same line.

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The credit memo invoice is preceded by the negative sign "---". In the previous screenshot, the first document is the original invoice and the second is the credit memo invoice.

From invoice consultation

When viewing an invoice, you can transform it into a credit note. To do this, use the transformation button in the invoice action bar.

This action opens a window allowing you to choose the document created (Credit memo, Contract, Other Contract), select the Credit memo, check the amounts and invoice the document using the invoice button on the action bar.

If the credit note is created because the invoice is incorrect, this action implies re-invoicing.

Manual chargeback

To remake a correct invoice, access the original invoice and transform it by clicking on the same button as for transforming the invoice into a credit note (see above) and choosing to transform this invoice into a contract.

Once the contract has been created, check all data and invoice this new contract (see corresponding documentation for details).

There's an easy way to speed up the creation/billing of a credit note with the creation of a new contract.

Create a credit note with automatic rebilling

When viewing the erroneous invoice, you can use a single button to :

  • Create a credit note,
  • Invoice the credit created,
  • Create a new contract from the original invoice.

To do this, click on the Credit memo with re-invoicing button shown below.

This action displays a window enabling you to summarize the information on the invoiced contract ("Original contract" section) and to prepare for the creation of the credit note ("Credit note on invoice" and "Credit note Reason " sections).

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"Reason": Select the reason for the credit note. It is possible to set the credit memo reason selection list in the Backoffice.

"Description": Enter a description of the reason for creating a credit note on this invoice.

To confirm the creation of the credit note, invoice it and create the new contract, enter the necessary information ("Credit note reason" and "User") and click on . If in doubt, cancel the operation and check the data on the original invoice.

Warning : Once the credit memo invoice has been issued, it is impossible to modify its data. The credit memo is created on the total amount of the original invoice and is automatically invoiced.

After billing a credit note, the new contract is displayed. This allows you to modify it as required. Once the contract has been completed and checked, invoice the contract.

Create a credit note ex nihilo

It is possible to create a blank credit note, but certain information must be entered. Creating a credit note from an existing invoice automatically retrieves the information.

To create a blank credit note, go to the Short-term credit notes list and click on . This action opens a form similar to that used to create a contract (consult the corresponding documentation for a description of the fields).

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Fill in the fields required to validate a credit note: dates, customer, vehicle, rate and user. If any information is missing, myrentcar will display a message with the missing fields.

Once saved, the credit note can be found in the list of unbilled credit notes.

View a credit invoice

Whether the invoice is for a contract or a credit note, it can be found on the invoice screen. Access this screen via the Dashboard and launch a search.

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In the screenshot above, the two rows correspond to a contract invoice and a credit invoice. The "Credit" column allows you to quickly identify credit invoices. In addition, the totals for this type of invoice are negative.

To view a credit note invoice, click on the desired line. As with all invoices, no fields can be modified. Unlike contract invoices, the last two buttons on the action bar, which transform the invoice into a credit note, are inaccessible.

Use the corresponding action buttons to print or e-mail the credit note invoice.