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  2. Long term rental

Long term file in myrentcar

Find out how to manage a long-term file in myrentcar.

A Long-Term file can be accessed by clicking on one of the results in the list, or by searching for a specific file using the file number in your myrentcar long term vehicle rental software.

Once on the LT folder, an action banner appears at the bottom of the page.

This button saves changes made to a folder.

  This button takes you back to the list of long-term files.

This button is used to create a new long-term folder.

This button is used to print a summary of the file. A preview window allows you to check the document.

This button displays reports created with rentpad.

This button is used to send an e-mail to the customer, with or without an attachment.

This button duplicates the Long Duration folder.

This button is used to bill the file according to the criteria entered in the Billing section of the Dates tab.

  This button is used to monitor the due date status.

This button deletes the file consulted, provided no accounting document has been issued.

As the mouse hovers over the icons, a description of the action quickly appears.

When creating a new file, certain information is necessary and mandatory, while other information will not be accessible until the creation has been validated.

Among the fields required to create a new file, the number is used to initialize the file. An initial window asks for the numbering of the Long-Term file.

Numbers can be entered manually or automatically, depending on the Backoffice settings/

To create a number automatically, click on the button; otherwise, enter a number. Finally, click to enter the rest of the file.

The header containing the basic information will be displayed regardless of the tab selected.

capture dossier ld myrentcar EN 1

"Client": This field is used to search for and select a customer already registered. To select a customer, enter a criterion (name, number, shortcut, etc.) and click on . Once the customer has been selected, click on the field name to open the customer file in a new browser tab.

"Name: Once the customer has been selected, this field is automatically filled in with the customer's title. This field can be modified as required.

"User": Enter the password of the agent connected, or click on to enter the login details of the agent entering the contract on another agent's session.

"Vehicle": As with the customer, this field is used to search for and select a vehicle already registered. To select a vehicle, enter a criterion (make, fleet number, registration number, etc.) and click on . Once the vehicle has been selected, click on the field name to open the vehicle file in a new browser tab.

"Registration": Once the vehicle has been selected, this field is automatically filled in with the customer's registration number. This field cannot be modified.

"Agency": Select the relevant agency. This field is filled in by default with the code of the connected agency.

"Accounting model": Select the desired model. This field is filled in by default with the model of the connected agency, depending on the previous settings.

"Type": Specify whether this is a long or medium-term contract.

"Contract number": This field is automatically filled with the number chosen when the contract is created.

"Contract Total" section: This section includes amounts entered later on the file.

Once this information has been entered, it is necessary to navigate through the various tabs to fill in the necessary data.

Client tab

This tab allows you to view, modify or specify information about the customer selected in the header. Any modification at this level will be valid only for this folder.

capture dossier ld myrentcar EN 2The first part is automatically filled in with the customer's information.

The driver fields are not mandatory for a Long-term file. However, it is possible to add this information.

"Usual driver": If one or more drivers have already been entered in the customer file, select the desired driver from the list.

"Driver name": Enter the driver's name; this field is for information only.

The second part allows you to customize the tab, provided you have previously set up Free Questions.

This last section is used to specify customer payment information.

"Invoicing group": Select the billing group for the file. This action requires prior configuration in the Backoffice.

For example: If a customer leases 10 vehicles on a long-term basis, and wishes to have different invoices for each file, it will be necessary to set up an invoicing group for each case.

In fact, if this customer wants :

  • 5 files on a single invoice,
  • 3 files to be billed on individual invoices,
  • 2 files to be billed on the same invoice, but in a customized format.

Each file will be in a specific group. Once these groups have been set, they will be proposed in the field's drop-down list.

"Payment terms": Enter the expected payment term for the file. This list can be configured in the Backoffice.

"Mandate type": Select the type of mandate:

  • "First": Select this type for the first SEPA direct debit, it will be automatically changed to "Regular" after the first direct debit.
  • Regular ": Select this type for repeated direct debits.
  • One-time": Select this type for a one-off direct debit.

"IBAN", "BIC", "Back Account" and "Address": If required, enter bank identification information. This information is required for the mandate.

Dates tab

This tab contains all the dates used to manage the file.

This first section allows you to enter the start and end dates of the Long-Term file consulted or entered.

"Start date": Enter the start date or use the calendar to select a start date for the file.

"Planned End Date": Enter the planned end date or use the calendar to select a planned end date for the file. If the file start date and theoretical duration are entered, this field will automatically be filled with the corresponding end date.

"Theoretical duration": If the planned return date is entered, this field will be automatically filled in with the duration in number of months.

"Actual End Date": Enter the vehicle return date, or use the calendar to select an actual end date for the file. As with the scheduled end date, if the actual duration is entered, the actual end date will be automatically calculated.

Warning : This date is important, as it indicates to the software that the file has been completed. Without this date, the file will continue to be billed, even if the scheduled end date has passed. If the actual end date is entered, billing will be stopped if this date is less than the next billing date.

"Actual duration": If the actual end date is entered, this field will be automatically filled in with the duration in number of months.

"Km included total planned" and "Km included total actual": These fields are automatically calculated with the data entered in the Dates tab and in the Kilometres tab (see below).

This section is used to manage the billing of the Long-Term file.

"Next period to invoice": Enter the date on which billing will begin for this file. When billing a period, this date will be automatically modified with the date of the next period to be billed, according to the criteria selected.

"Invoicing periodicity": Enter the number of months to be billed each time. For example: enter 1 to bill monthly and 3 to bill quarterly.

"Invoicing type": Select the desired billing type:

  • "Anniversary": Billing will take place on the anniversary date of the contract. Thus, if the contract starts on the 12th of a month, the invoice will be issued on the 11th of each month.
  • "End of month": Billing will take place at the end of each month.

"Advance oninvoice date": Enter the number of days allowed for advance billing of a period not yet started. This field defaults to 0, to avoid billing too far in advance.

For example: An agent wishes to invoice in advance the file with the following criteria:

  • Billing type: End of month
  • Next billing period: 01/12
  • Billing term: Due
  • Advance billing date: 10

This agent will be able to bill the next period from 20/11, i.e. 10 days in advance.

"Calculation basis": Select the criterion for calculating the pro rata of the first and last invoices according to the number of days. For example, when a contract begins or ends during the month, this allows you to adapt the prorated number of days:

  • "To the 30th": The pro rata calculation is based on 30 days regardless of the calendar month.
  • "Calendar": The pro rata calculation is based on the calendar month.
  • "Working": Only working days are included in the calculation, i.e. the days on which the company renting the vehicle is open (all days of the week except weekly rest days).
  • Workiable": Only working days are included in the calculation, i.e. days worked by the company renting the vehicle (all days of the week except weekly rest days and public holidays).

Public holidays must be defined in advance in the Backoffice.

"Invoicing terms": Select the billing term:

  • "Expired": The invoice will be issued at the end of the month, the vehicle has already been used.
  • "Due": The invoice will be issued at the beginning of the month.

"Periodicity": Enter the periodicity, in number of months, for invoicing additional kms. For example: enter 1 to invoice excess kms every month, or 12 for annual invoicing.

"Km Invoices Reference Month": Enter the month in which invoicing is to take place (1 = January. Excess kilometers will therefore be billed every January for annual billing).

"Km Invoices Reference Date": Enter the first month and date of the reference invoice for kilometers. This date will then change automatically each time kilometers are billed.

This section allows you to enter practical information concerning the delivery of the vehicle. This information is for guidance only.

"Date": Enter the date and time of vehicle delivery.

"Name": Enter the name of the person who will receive the vehicle.

"Address 1", "Address 2", "Zip code", "City" and "Complement": Enter the information for the vehicle delivery address.

Suspensions tab

This is where the periods to be deducted from billing can be entered.

Use the buttons below the table to manage this data. As elsewhere in the software, when the mouse cursor hovers over a button, the related action is displayed.

For example, if the vehicle is immobilized for a maintenance day, it is possible to count this day by adding a suspension starting and ending on that day.

Vehicle tab

This tab displays information about the vehicle selected when the file was created.

The first section contains basic information about the selected vehicle. These fields cannot be modified, with the exception of the expected residual value field.

"Planned residual value": Enter the estimated value of the vehicle at the end of the contract.

: This button makes it easy to link a claim to the vehicle (see corresponding documentation).

The Complements section presents free vehicle questions. This section allows you to enter and modify certain information. Changes to these supplements have no impact on the vehicle files.

Mileage tab

This tab allows you to manage the vehicle's mileage during the term of the contract.

To manage these mileage records, use the action buttons below the table.

As elsewhere in myrentcar, an indication of the action appears on mouseover.

: Use this button to add a mileage record.

: This button is used to modify the selected line (also possible by double-clicking on the required field).

: This button validates line registration.

: This button is used to cancel the current addition or modification.

: This button deletes the selected line.

This section allows you to consult and add kilometers recorded for the contract. It is imperative to make regular checks to be able to calculate and invoice additional kilometers (see corresponding documentation).

"To be invoiced": Tick the box if this mileage is to be invoiced in the next period.

"Type": Select the type of reading:

  • "Meter": Actual vehicle mileage. When creating the contract, select this type to enter the vehicle's initial mileage.
  • Included": Number of kilometers included in the LT contract.
  • "Replacement": Record of kilometers covered by the contract with another vehicle (replacement vehicle). When this type of mileage is validated, a "Details" box appears below the table, allowing you to enter the information for the linked relay contract.

These mileage lines can be entered or fed by creating short-term contracts linked to the long-term file.

"Value": Enter the mileage recorded on the vehicle's odometer.

"Date": Enter the date of the kilometer reading.

: This button opens a window allowing you to view kilometers already billed.

: This button allows you to view information on the current Replacement Vehicle contract.

"Included mileage": Enter the number of kilometers included in the contract.

"Periodicity": Enter the number of months corresponding to the duration of use of the included kilometers.

: Indicate whether kilometers are to be billed.

"Price extra km": Enter the amount of the additional kilometer, excluding VAT.

"VAT": Select the VAT from the pre-set list.

"Incl. VAT": This field will be automatically calculated with the additional km price entered and the VAT selected.

"Minority km price": Enter the indicative price of the minority km (if the contract provides for a discount in the event of a return with fewer km than expected).

  : Indicate if mileage is to be pooled. This makes it possible to offset the total km covered by several vehicles of the same category and with the same price per additional km.

"Grouping code": Enter a code that can be used to create pooling families. Manual coding.

Conditions tab

It is on this tab that the conditions must be entered. These conditions are divided into different sections. These are for information only, and enable you to consult the various conditions of the contract.

"Maintenance" section: This section allows you to specify the details of maintenance conditions. To do this, select the desired criteria and enter brief information if required.

"Insurance" section: This section specifies the terms and conditions of the insurance included in this contract.

"Replacement vehicle" section: This is where you specify the conditions under which the vehicle will be replaced. Depending on the type of claim (theft, damage or breakdown), if a replacement vehicle is required, you will need to select a vehicle category, the duration and the number of days required.

"Tax" and "Vignette" sections: These sections allow you to specify whether these taxes are included (paid by the renter).

This last section allows you to enter additional information. If necessary, specify criteria for advertising, cleaning and vehicle return tolerance (km and reconditioning costs).

Others tab

This tab allows you to manage certain options related to the vehicle or contract. 

If required, this section can be used to manage a fuel card for this contract. It will be necessary to add each additional deposit with the effective dates and charges.

This section lets you manage some of the budgets linked to purchase orders. Consult the corresponding documentation to manage these budgets.

This section enables you to manage invoice labels. In fact, it is possible to combine several operations or detailed services to display a single label.

"Fixed part name" and "Fixed part detailed edition": Enter here to manage recurring operations (services billed monthly).

"Variable part name" and "Variable part detail edition": Enter here to manage one-off operations (services billed only once).

Details tab

This tab is used to manage the various services to be invoiced throughout the file. Whether these services are recurring or one-off, they must be entered on this tab.

To manage these operations, use the action buttons below the operations table.

As elsewhere in myrentcar, an indication of the action appears on mouseover.

and : These buttons can be used to create a miscellaneous sales order or estimate with information on the LT contract, the customer and the vehicle (see Documentation for miscellaneous sales vouchers and Documentation for miscellaneous sales quotation).

"Service": Select the type of service required. These services can be configured in the Backoffice.

"Name": This field is automatically filled in after selection of the service type, but can be modified if required.

"Quantity": Enter the quantity of services of the same type.

"Delete". Check the box if the service is to be invoiced only once (this operation will appear on the next invoice, but not on subsequent invoices).

"Excl. VAT Price": Enter the amount excluding tax for an operation. The total price will be automatically calculated according to quantity, VAT and invoicing frequency.

is possible to enter a multiple price, allowing you to manage price changes during the course of a contract. To do this, select the price box for the required service, then click on .

Once the price and application date have been entered, the field will appear as follows :


In case of multiple prices: It is not possible to have several prices on the same invoice, the price active at the start of the period will be the only one taken into account.

"VAT": Select the percentage of VAT to be applied. This list must first be set up in the Backoffice.

To avoid errors in the file, see the description of errors explained earlier in this documentation.

Note tab

As elsewhere in the software, this tab allows you to enter notes in the free field. Depending on the screen settings, the presence of a note can be displayed directly on the tab, which will appear as follows: .

Payment tab

This tab is used to enter settlement and warranty information. 

This first zone allows you to enter indicative information, which can be printed on contracts if required. They are useful when creating the contract.

"Deposit amount" and "Deposit name": Enter the amount and wording of the security deposit.

"Deposit amount" and "Deposit name": Enter the amount and wording of the deposit.

"End of bond validity": Enter or select the end of bond validity date.

capture dossier ld myrentcar EN 3As with the Kilometres tab, settlements are managed using the action buttons below the settlements table. The actions are the same, and are displayed when the buttons are hovered over. This table is used to enter payments for the duration of the contract.

"Type Payment": Select the type of payment according to your needs.

"Payment mode": Select the payment mode used. These modes can be configured in the Backoffice.

"Name": The payment method is automatically entered in the label. To customize the label, modify it according to your needs.

"Amount": Enter the payment amount.

"Date" and "Due date": The current date is automatically entered in these two fields. These dates can be modified if required.

"Agency" and "Agent": These fields are automatically filled with the name of the selected agency and the name of the user agent. They can be modified.

"Client": The supplier's name will be taken from the data in the Accounting frame.

Documents tab

As with vehicles, it is possible to add, view or delete documents for Long Term files, such as a copy of the usual driver's license.

To add a document, drag and drop the file into the box provided, or select the file on your workstation using the button.

To manage a document, use the action buttons at the end of the document line.

This button downloads the document for viewing.

This button is used to import the document into myrentcar.

This button cancels the import of the document into myrentcar.

  This button deletes the document.

Warning: If the document does not save, check :

  • Document size (it must not exceed 2 MB or Mb).
  • Document name (the name should not be too long; rename the document if necessary and repeat the operation).